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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 19, 2012
So came home from work today to find my shark sitting on the big leaves of one of my plants. With closer inspection his scales are protruding, stomach really bloated and eyes look puffier.

LFS has told me its dropsy and has never seen this cured as its an internal infection, that my fish will die.

Anybody got any news to the contrary? Would be lovely ... or any input at all.

Don't want to just watch him die.
Well. Unfortunatatly my platy had dropsy and I brought meds to cure it but It never worked :( sorry but your fish might be able to survive :)
Thanks for saying.

And he just passed =( Was lying on his side for a while.

Felt so bad for him.

I am sorry about your fish :( Future reference, dropsy is almost always fatal. The only cases I have seen that fish were able to recover have been in the goldfish community with the use of injections of Baytril but you will need the aid of an aquatic vet for this and its still not a guarentee.
Thank you for the input! I did phone the vet yesterday and they said he needed to come in today for an injection (which he unfortunately did not make).

So scared the others will start showing signs. I have one cory that's eyes look larger than the other guys and his scales look diff too but he's still eating and moving around so I think he's all good.
Think I'm just bloody paranoid now though.


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