Dwarf gourami help

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 10, 2014
Looking to add two dwarf gouramis to my 40g long. I have two filters: aquaclear50 and 30. In the 30 I use foam and an ammonia filter bag. I have 5 peppered corydoras, 6 black skirts, 2 neons, 2 male swords, 2 females swords and 1 pineapple Platy. Looking to also add a bristle nose. Tank is half black sand and half tan gravel. Mopani wood, 2 resin caves, and a mixture of live and fake plants. Looking to replace with more live ones. Agh one have any thoughts. I know my tetra number is off and the swords are too, but they were rescue swords
Just wondering if it sounds okay for them. I use aqua adviser was going to add zebra danios, but I'd like two nice looking fish, instead of another group flying around the tank.
Just wondering if it sounds okay for them. I use aqua adviser was going to add zebra danios, but I'd like two nice looking fish, instead of another group flying around the tank.

Ah, Gotcha! I dont know much about skirts or neons but from the sound of it you should be fine. Be sure to give the gourami a few places to hide. They spook easy if the aquarium is in or close to a place with loud noises. (Kids being an excellent example) If you get two males make sure the hiding places are spread out so they can 'lay claim' to their own territory.

Make sense?
The noise thing worries me, it's next to the TV (with a sound bar). No one running around. They have plenty of places to hide, and plan to add some floating plants and plants.
Coming from my experience, you will be fine. Just don't expect them to parade their beautiful colors right after you add them to your setup. It will take some time (maybe a few days, maybe a couple weeks) to get use to the sounds made from the tv. As long as there isn't a subwoofer sitting close to the aquarium then it shouldn't be an issue.

My 29 gallon setup is in my office and it took around 10 days for my 2 male gourami to stop getting spooked by the kids stomping across the hardwood floor. They have now adjusted to the 'noise level' of the room and only get spooked if someone 'rushes' up to the tank. (Even then, they only pull back into the floating plants to see if said person is feeding.)

Gourami are a wonderful fresh water fish to have and I applaud you in the desire to keep them. You obviously have a great respect for the pets you choose to keep and I am sure they would love being cared for by such a fish keeper.

And be sure to post some pictures of the new addition!
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Just so your aware keeping multiple gourami males may or may not work. A lot depends on individual temperaments. Just keep your eye on them since aggression can be triggered at any time. Not saying it will happen just that it can happen.
I asked for a M/F pair - the LFS guy said he couldn't tell the difference. My bad for not thinking they would know. I'm learning to do my homework so I don't have to ask questions.
How are they holding up? The one(s) pictured are for sure male and look to be adults. Like the other posters said, keep a careful eye on them. Adult male DGs are much like Bettas and will get very aggressive to defend their territory. If you see any signs of them chasing each other its time to return one. ;-)
They are doing good, a little slow getting the blood worms I drop in, blackshirts suck them up quick. Sometimes one of them pokes at the other, but I've seen them share a veggie wafer, so that's a good sign.
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