Dwarf Puffers Fin Nippers

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Aquarium Advice Freak
May 13, 2012
So I have a new 100gallon tank that I set up a few weeks ago. I have 10 albino lemon tetras, 10 cherry barbs, an apistogramma pair, a jewel cichlids pair, kribensis pair, a large black veiled angel a boesmani rainbow, a Parkinson's rainbow, a black ghost knife fish, a galaxy pleco, a dwarf blue ram cichlid pair, 4 albino Corydoras and the guy at the pet shop told me that 2 dwarf pea puffers would be fine in this community tank. DO NOT GET THEM FOR A COMMUNITY TANK! Every morning I find a new fish with its back fun gone and I see them going for even the big fish during the day but cant quite catch them or get fought back. From what I have read online I am guessing they ambush my fish in their sleep.

So I decided I needed to get them out of the tank. Easier said than done. In a 100gallon planted aquarium with a huge show log in it, it is almost impossible to get the little monsters out. I finally got one out with a big net I bought but there is still one left. Hopefully I can get him one day or at least I'm hoping with just one that he/she will be less aggressive until I can do something about it.

I just finished treating my tank for fun rot and ich and have the water perfect now I just need this fish out.

Don't put dwarf puffers in a community tank because they will eat all the fins from the other fish.
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AquaAussie said:
So I have a new 100gallon tank that I set up a few weeks ago. I have 10 albino lemon tetras, 10 cherry barbs, an apistogramma pair, a jewel cichlids pair, kribensis pair, a large black veiled angel a boesmani rainbow, a Parkinson's rainbow, a black ghost knife fish, a galaxy pleco, a dwarf blue ram cichlid pair, 4 albino Corydoras and the guy at the pet shop told me that 2 dwarf pea puffers would be fine in this community tank. DO NOT GET THEM FOR A COMMUNITY TANK! Every morning I find a new fish with its back fun gone and I see them going for even the big fish during the day but cant quite catch them or get fought back. From what I have read online I am guessing they ambush my fish in their sleep.

So I decided I needed to get them out of the tank. Easier said than done. In a 100gallon planted aquarium with a huge show log in it, it is almost impossible to get the little monsters out. I finally got one out with a big net I bought but there is still one left. Hopefully I can get him one day or at least I'm hoping with just one that he/she will be less aggressive until I can do something about it.

I just finished treating my tank for fun rot and ich and have the water perfect now I just need this fish out.

Don't put dwarf puffers in a community tank because they will eat all the fins from the other fish.

It's a known fact puffers are fin nippers do research. Impulse buys suck.

I would know lol.
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I just got the other one out. They are super cool fish and I'm sad to kill them. Not sure what I should do with them now.


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AquaAussie said:
I just got the other one out. They are super cool fish and I'm sad to kill them. Not sure what I should do with them now.

Why don't you set up a nice aquarium for them a nice 15g planted would be good!
Don't kill them! They are so cute! I would take them if we were closer. I agree with the 15 gallon set up for them. Or take them back to your lfs.
Sadly my best friend put them in the garbage disposal when I wasn't looking. :(
For future reference, a dp would have been fine in a little 5-10g tank. I suggest keeping fish away from your friend. I am sure the garbage disposal was a quick way to go, but it would have been pretty easy for you to have re-homed the fish instead of killing them because you weren't prepared for them.
Also, don't just listen to the guy at the pet shop. I know it seems like pet store employees should know their stuff, but they don't all. Car salesmen will sell you junky cars, fish salesmen will sell you incompatible fish. A quick google search will usually help you out a far amount when considering a new species, and if you run into issues there are forums (like this one) with lots of experienced member who can answer questions as well.
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So I have a new 100gallon tank that I set up a few weeks ago. I have 10 albino lemon tetras, 10 cherry barbs, an apistogramma pair, a jewel cichlids pair, kribensis pair, a large black veiled angel a boesmani rainbow, a Parkinson's rainbow, a black ghost knife fish, a galaxy pleco, a dwarf blue ram cichlid pair, 4 albino Corydoras and the guy at the pet shop told me that 2 dwarf pea puffers would be fine in this community tank. DO NOT GET THEM FOR A COMMUNITY TANK!

I'm actually surprised you don't have problem w/o the puffers.

Your Jewel Cichlids (they are Juveniles now right?) Once they mature they will do the same as your Puffers did. I suggest you rehome them shortly IMO from First hand Experience. They are far from a community fish....

Also if you Rams are a breeding pair they can also get nasty as they mature to breed but your tank might be big enough I would worry about the Corydoras as a bottom feeder the Rams will see them as a threat.

Post them for Free on Craiglist, plenty of people will take them if you don't want to set up another tank.
Thats a lot of fish. I dont pretend to give advice or criticize anyone, most of everything I know I learned here. The puffer fish was not your fault it was the pet store but a bit of research is always good anyway. I now consider puffers like pirahnas. I once but a betta in with 2 dwarfs and watched closely, they hunted it like a pack of wolves, i took it right out as they were ready to destroy it. Please dont kill those fish, dwarfs are actually on the endagered species watch list. Not the big list, but the list before the big list, there numbers are dropping in the wild.
Oh no! He killed a threatened species? That's bad. :(

Wait are you sure jewel cichlids will attack others. They seem fine. I have been away for 4 days and my mate looked after them an they are all doing really well. I just discovered a bunch of fry that I am sure are from the jewel cichlids cause the male is hanging around them.
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