Dwarf Shrimp

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Feb 28, 2007
Edinburgh, Scotland

I've had a bunch of Amano Shrimp dissapear (detailed elsewhere) and am currently overdosing my tank with Excel to deal with some algae. But once that is done I'm planning on restocking.

I've been discovering alot of different kinds of Dwarf Shrimp out there, Cherry, Tiger etc. But have been pondering over their effectiveness at algae cleaning in comparison to the Amano type.


Which are the best algae eaters from all the different types? Is the Amano type just miles better then the rest of the field or is there little difference other then the Amano is the cheapest and most popular?


Amano is by far the best algae eater I have. I also have a Singapore Flower shrimp that does a good job with algae. A lot of shrimp varieties will consume algae but I have yet to notice one that does as much as the Amano shrimp...but I don't have a ton of different kinds.
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