E-mail Scams

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 12, 2004
Northern VA
I just recieved an e-mail that was using Christianity as (what I am assuming) a cover. It went on and on about glorifying Christ, etc... and at the end threw out the sum of 12.something million dollars being kept in an european bank account. Now, it would be nice if this was a real person who was truly trying to use their wealth for good, but I can pretty much guarantee that this is a scam. I remember a while back that someone knew the contact information with the US governement on reporting scams. Could anyone help me out? I want to report this person because I find it absolutly disgusting that someone would prey on the feelings and religion of other people. Thanks!!
I get those ALL the time. One time I wrote back and told the guy that I had to discuss it with my lawyer first. I wasn't really going to do it, I just wanted to see what he would say. He said that legal advice was not needed and that it was all perfectly legal. I told him that I would contact my lawyer anyways and he didn't like that too much. HAHA. Then I reported it to the FBI. If you go to the FBI's website they give a link to report stuff like that. That's what I did.
Just a twist on the old 'Nigerian Money Scam' letter...I get 4-5 similar letters in my e-mail daily....you can report them, but it is a lot of work and you will just be told that they are already aware of these letters. These people are grifters and will use whatever angle they think will work to gain your confidence.
That's terrible that someone would do this. Most of my junk mail comes to my yahoo account. I'm very hesitant to give out my actual email to websites that will pass it out for solicitation.
That is so wrong. I dont get any junk email any more .... thankfully. Hotmail is good for not getting much junk emails.
I reported one of those Nigerian money scams to the FBI too... they weren't interested at all. The lady told me that ever since 9/11 they have their hands too full to deal with these things.
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