eager to bring home the rest of my fish

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Feb 10, 2005
I tested my water today (5 days after bringing home my 3 platies and 2 guppies) and 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, pH 7.4.

I figure that it should be safe to bring home my otocinclus, 3 glowlight tetras and my cory (still trying to exchange him into 3 pygmy) on Saturday.

What is your take on that?
There has been numerous debates on this and I think it's sound advice. Waiting two/three weeks after your cycle and ensuring that your tank is established is not a bad idea.

I went through a similar situation not too long ago and did exactly that. Since I had no problems with any fish deaths since then, I have to agree. The other side of the coin is, since I don't know if every would have worked out without waiting, it's hard to judge.

If I learned one thing about this hobby, it is patience. I almost tore my hair out after my cycle because I only had the 4 tetras. These were the survivors of what I termed the "cycle from HE dbl hockey sticks".
So, your suggestion would be to wait another week before bringing home the rest of the gang?
that is what i would do. because it depends on what you cycled your tank with or rather how you cycled your tank. (if you gave it a huge bio-load to work with, then it had to make a huge amount of bacteria to take care of it, and if you used onle a light bio load for it then it didn't have to make as much bacteria and it would not be as cultured thus your system not being able to handle a sudden high bio load.) however that does not work into infinity.
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