Electric Blue Jack Eye Problem

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jan 4, 2010
Sacramento Area
Hey everyone, its been a while since ive been on, but i just started school so ive been swamped. I did my tank maint. today (i did skip a week because of school) and i noticed my electric blue jack has one of his eyes bigger than the other. There is a white raised ring around the eye too. It basically looks like one eye is bulging and the other is normal. He is still eating and swimming but it seems like hes less active than he used to be.
Not that anyone really cares, but i thought id give an update on my blue buddy. I have him in my 10 gal QT and am doing every other day 60% waterchanges. I dont have the cash for any of the meds suggested right now, but when i put him in the qt i said what the heck and added some stress coat. He seems to be a tad more active then he was before (dont know if thats because i can see him more in the 10 gal) ,but his eye looks to be the same. I think he is going to lose sight in the right eye,but if i can save him then im fine with that. I also think i figured out what happened to cause this....i have a pair of kribs that bred unbeknownst to me and i think they could have gotten into a fight with my jack and caused this, but hes isolated getting clean water and we shall see how it goes from there.
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