For Sale: Emperor or Giant Cichlid

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 22, 2011
Westminster, CO, USA
Well I knew this day would come, and I'm sad to do it, I have two Emperor cichlids that I need to re-home. They are too big for the tank I have them in and unfortunately I won't be getting another tank for some time. They are the same age, I've raised them from about 1.5" and they are now both 11-12". I got them in early 2012 so they are about 1 year old.

They will eat pretty much anything but they love large cichlid sticks and frozen food. They need to be in a tank of at least 400g, for now, they will outgrow that size eventually.

I won't ship them so you will have to be in the Denver, Colorado area. I'm less worried about the price than I am about getting them into a good home, make me an offer.

Scientific Name: Boulengerochromis microlepis
Pronunciation: b-lng-gr--kr-ms m-k-lp-s
Common Name(s): Emperor or Giant Cichlid
Habitat: Sand
Diet: Carnivore
Gender Differences: Monomorphic
Temperament: Mildly Aggressive
Conspecific Temperament: Aggressive
Maximum Size: 36"
Temperature: 77 - 79°F
pH: 8.6
Water Hardness: Very Hard
Difficulty: 2
Couldn't find the right supplies to ship these and feel that they would make it there alive. Then another local person with a 450g custom tank came and got them. So happy they are going to a good home. :) :)

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