Empty 7 gallon

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Dec 25, 2010
Well I will soon have an empty 7 gallon as the inhabitant will be upgrading to a bigger tank. I was thinking about shrimp with some adfs but I'm not sure or even one dwarf puffer. I would like to hear any other ideas, I can go fresh or salt but I am mainly going for fresh. :) Thanks in advance! :flowers:
Both will eat shrimp. If you really want that combo go with something like ghost shrimp, cheap and kind of feisty, they will fight to survive plus they are entertaining active shrimp.
Both will eat shrimp. If you really want that combo go with something like ghost shrimp, cheap and kind of feisty, they will fight to survive plus they are entertaining active shrimp.

Both of what? The puffer and adf? Dw the puffer would be on it's own and the adfs... I bought glass shrimp that ate them..
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