Ethical and cruelry free living

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Aug 14, 2012
western australia
I'm starting this thread to come together with like minded people to make a difference by joining together and letting our voices be heard. I am very passionate about animal rights and protecting and sustaining the environment.
This is a very large community of people from all around the world that care passionately about their fish but I know that with many off you your love for all animals great and small doesn't end there!
I know there are a lot of horrific things happening all around the world that you may not be aware off and as painful as they are too see and watch, we are not the ones that are going through it, if we close our eyes and keep on living in ignorance the suffering will never end. Ignorance is not bliss for the ones that are at the suffering end of it! There are so many disgusting cruel things going on in this world that needs to be fought against. The destruction of the environment is linked to so many forms of suffering and the slow demise of our world. Remember we are not the only ones that live on this earth that need homes and feel,fear,suffer and have a desire to live.
Please share any articles,documentaries,petitions,pictures and anything related to this topic. I post many things everyday on my FB page and sign petitions in hopes to reach people and get them to spread the word and take action every person counts and canning a difference. It's heartbreaking to watch,read about and see these acts of cruelty and murder of an innocent animals on a daily basis but education is power, I will continue to educate myself so I have the power to make a difference.

Note: this is not a thread for debate or to argue varying opinions on these matters. It is for people who do want to help and change these matters. If you don't like what is being said or agree with it don't comment just leave simple.

Watch this debate! This horrible woman got told! spilling lies and trying to defend this horrific trade! The news reported wasn't even buying her excuses! If these people didn't do what they do to expose this it would never stop, and you think they want to see those poor innocent creatures suffer no it's a horrible thing to witness, but they do what they do to help the voiceless and expose what we all have the right to know. Of you have nothing to hide then what's the problem you ignorant Neanderthal!
I read this today and thought it was worth sharing and very true and eye opening, it really makes you think!

("If you don't like my opinions, leave. But just remember, the animals can't leave the cages that hold them. They are captive and suffering. As you cozy into your bed tonight, try to imagine the pain and the suffering that they endure day after day and night after night. Next time you get some soap in your eyes, try to imagine that pain for 3 or 4 days at a time. Next time you have a stomach ache, try to imagine liquid plumber being poured down your throat till you puke so much blood that you bleed to death. Next time you bump your head, try to imagine being a monkey and getting a steel plate smashed into your skull at 50 miles per hour. Then, only then should you feel compelled to tell me that I'm wrong about my opinions. For all these things have happened in the name of science. They continue in abundance till this day." -Rikki Rockett (American drummer, best known for his work with the Hard Rock band "Poison")

Lol yesss! It's so stupid and ignorant educate yourselves people! I especially hate the what if you were stranded on an Island questions! And what if you were starving and it was either you or an animal? I'm not on a deserted island with either the choice to kill or die! Jeeez! I live in this situation where there are cruelty free Options with better health benefits and nutrition! I make this choice because I have the option too!
In all fairness, if you don't want to attract the posts of those with differing opinions, you shouldn't challenge and accuse them so blatantly. This is a public forum after all :)
In all fairness, if you don't want to attract the posts of those with differing opinions, you shouldn't challenge and accuse them so blatantly. This is a public forum after all :)

I agree :) - plus you really can't "convert" someone to your side if you discourage any debate at all. I surely wouldn't want to come over to a side which just bashes my views and won't allow any other thoughts into the conversation ;) Not that I am against you on this topic, that just goes for things like this in general.
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