Everything seems perfect, but my fish are still dying?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 15, 2016
First of all here are the details of my tank:

1. I've had many fish come and go in my tank, and after I followed advice, another fish has died this morning.
2. Ammonia - 0, Nitrite - 0, Nitrate - 5m, pH - 7.5, Temp - 76-77F
3. I have a 10gallon tank and it has been set up for about 3 1/2 months
4. I use the Tetra 2-10i internal power filter
5. This morning there were 4 guppies (1 is definetely a male, and 1 is definetely female but the others have weird tails so i'm not sure what gender they are. My definite female died so now there are 3 left. I also have a small nerite snail.
6.I've been doing water changes every day and vacuuming the gravel every day since Tuesday (the last 3 days basically but not today yet) the first time I did about a 60% water change because it was my first time using a siphon, ever since i've been doing 35-50% water changes.
7. 2 of these fish I got last week, the other 2 I got somewhere around 2 months ago.
8. I just recently began using API Stress+ to dechlorinate my water while I clean my tank, I used to use Start Zyme by Jungle a couple of months ago.
9. I feed them fish flakes and I rarely add a granule in there.

The fish that died is one of the ones I got last week. When I dechlorinate the water I do a little more than the directions tell me to because that is what a well established youtuber said he did.
(I have a pic of my water results. the reason why I said that the ph is 7.5 is because the day before I took these pics it looked like 7.4 on the regular ph test and the next day I did the high ph and it looked like 7.6) I figured it must be in between.20160114_1315552.jpg




I apologize that some of the pics came out sideways I don't know how that happened
No they all look perfectly normal. He/she was keeping his distance for the last couple of days though, and swimming at the top of the tank. That's the only sign he/she showed of being unhappy/healthy.
Are you changing filter pads monthly ?
If so, stop doing that. You need to just rinse the filter pad in dechlorinated tapwater or used tank water so that you don't kill off your beneficial bacteria.

Also talk to your water company and see if they have flushed the lines or added anything to the water. That's usually a summertime phenomenon but it never hurts to ask them.

Sorry to hear you've lost fish.

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I'm fairly new to fish keeping but your wAter looks good so why are you doing daily water changes if your ammonia and nitrite are 0 a weekly 20% water change would've adequate. My guess is your over cleaning the substrate and the water changes are stressing out your tank. In terms of dechlorinator I have noticed too much spikes my ph from 7.4 to 8 within an hour so I use just enough to dechlorinat. For my 10galthats the first ring on the prime cap ~1.5 mil
I'm fairly new to fish keeping but your wAter looks good so why are you doing daily water changes if your ammonia and nitrite are 0 a weekly 20% water change would've adequate. My guess is your over cleaning the substrate and the water changes are stressing out your tank. In terms of dechlorinator I have noticed too much spikes my ph from 7.4 to 8 within an hour so I use just enough to dechlorinat. For my 10galthats the first ring on the prime cap ~1.5 mil

+1 didnt catch that

Definitely doing too much

- St Charles Almendras Geraldizo
You need to keep 2 or 3 females to every 1 male. Otherwise they will chase her non-stop and stress her out, to the point that infection sets in.
If your gonna keep only males, do that, but if you want females, please keep at least a 1:2 male to female ratio.
It may not sound like much, but if you watch them they will never stop harassing the female, Stress is the no.1 reason for fish disease, not water quality.
The water does not have to be "perfect" at all times for fish to live long happy normal lives, and alot easier on the keeper too.
I'm fairly new to fish keeping but your wAter looks good so why are you doing daily water changes if your ammonia and nitrite are 0 a weekly 20% water change would've adequate. My guess is your over cleaning the substrate and the water changes are stressing out your tank. In terms of dechlorinator I have noticed too much spikes my ph from 7.4 to 8 within an hour so I use just enough to dechlorinat. For my 10galthats the first ring on the prime cap ~1.5 mil

Hey thanks I've been doing daily water changes because that's what people on yahoo answers suggested because my fish kept dying.
I've lost a betta (about a week before when I posted this thread), a molly, and a platy. The molly wasn't very friendly and could have cause a lot of stress early on, but it wasn't until a few weeks after he died when a lot of my other fish began to die. All of the rest were guppies. The parameters on my tank have been about the same throughout all of these deaths.
When I add new fish/snails to my tank I let the bag float in the tank for around 15-20 minutes then I cut the bag open and either let them swim out or lift up the bag until they slide out. Then I feed the everything in the tank in case they haven't eaten at the pet store.
I've lost a betta (about a week before when I posted this thread), a molly, and a platy. The molly wasn't very friendly and could have cause a lot of stress early on, but it wasn't until a few weeks after he died when a lot of my other fish began to die. All of the rest were guppies. The parameters on my tank have been about the same throughout all of these deaths.

It sounds like your tank was overstocked.
IMHO Mollies need 30g or larger. They can hit 4" and are very active. Plus I consider some to be semi-aggressive.

A Betta can be ok in a 10g, but some do best alone.

A Platy...almost too big for a 10g. I usually recommend at least a 20g.

I stock 10g with nano fish that stay 1" or so. That way I can have a few.
Celestial Pearl Danios or a group of Micro Rasboras work. They prefer heavily planted tanks and need small food.

If you lose fish. Stop adding fish. Every new fish can cause a spike in your tank chemistry.

Research before you buy.

4 male guppies may be ok. With livebearers I recommend 4 females to 1 male. But then you are overrun by babies.

If you like Livebearers look at Endlers. They stay small. They come in cool patterns. They are peaceful.

Make sure you rinse your hands very well. No soap can touch your tank. Make sure no aerosols are sprayed around tank. Have you added any rocks from outdoors ?

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Viscous cycle, as water changes are necessary they are also a very stressful event. If you don't have disease in your tank I would go back to your weekly water changes and keep testing your water ever two days for a while
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