Experiment Tanks

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 20, 2004
has anyone else out there set up an experiment tank? I got a REALLY old 5 gallon from a friend at work. It leaked, but I sealed it up and thought I would turn it into a quarantine tank. Alas, decided it might be fun to try an equipmentless tank. All it has is gravel, real plants, 12 feeder guppies, a few small hitchhiking snails.

4 of the guppies died (they had fungus). the other 8 did fine including one that came pregnant. All 9 of the babies has survived for about a month and now 2-4 of the female adults are pregnant again. I also added 10 ghost shrimp for some cleanup. One of those died and one decided to jump out of the tank (found him on the counter some 4 feet away....kinda surprising).

Overall, it seems to be working very well and is almost my favorite tank. I'd be curious to see how large it could scale. It even more peaceful to watch than my other tanks because it's silent.
i used to have a 10 gallon that i used for growing plant and then transfered them into my bigger tank. i also was trying to breed guppies in there. i would consider those expiriments.
it seems to me that all tanks are experiment tanks in some ways
try this filter that filter fishless cycle fish in cycle ugf no ugf gold fish or betta which declorinator to use should i use meds should i not it is a learning experience and a experiment
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