Extreamly Bloated Betta

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Dec 4, 2021
Hello. I have a 2-3 year old crowntail betta and in the last month or so he has become extreamly bloated and I am unsure what to do. I have tried the common methods like fasting and epsom salt baths but there has been no noticable improvement, it seems to be getting slowly worse. His belly is about the size of a marble and looks like its filled with fluid. He is still behaving fairly normal, eating and swimming ok, but I cant imagine its comfortable. Is there anything else I can do, or should I consider euthanizing? Thank you for your advice.
Maybe old age. If you have had him 2 to 3 years, he is probably 3 to 4 years old, which is knocking on in years for a betta.

Can you post a photo?

Euthanasia is a bit extreme. Your fish is otherwise healthy, eating and swimming.
No, I havent tried peas because Ive read that although that can work for some types of fish that are constipated, bettas cant digest peas (or any vegetable matter) well and it can make issues worse. Is this incorrect?
Dropsy is usually untreatable, but let's hope for the best. You arent going to infect other fish by leaving him be. I would treat for constipation, if things dont improve try antibiotic medication. I cant really recommend anything as antibiotics are vets prescription only here in UK so i don't have first hand experience. You might have better access to medication than i do, depending on where you are.
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