Extremely High PH

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Dec 5, 2009
Wollongong, Australia
So I have 30gal with 5 herquilian Rosboras, 2 Bronze corys and 2 SAE. And everytime i test the water i get a PH reading of 8.8!!!!! I do a water change and put the Ph down to 7 and then i test the tank water and that is now down to 7. But i test again and its 8.8. Its a cycled tank and the paraments are as following,
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 10-20
Ph 8.8!!!!!!
So im really confused but the fish are all fine happy as lary but i plan on getting Blue Rams and the Ph is much too high for them so any advice is greatly appreciated!
If you haven't already, I'd try putting driftwood in there, helps my pH out tons!
Ok. Driftwood is not the answer. Before anything, we need to figure out the problem. Rocks, what kind are they? Did you do the vinegar test on them? IIRC though, no rock will pring pH above 7.8-8.0... Tap water is my guess.
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