Fantail Goldfish Help

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Feb 25, 2011
Canada, Nova Scotia
my Goldie seems to never eat he sees the pellets sinking but if they hit the bottom he don't want them same with flakes then later on he seems to suck up and spit out gravel how can i get him to notice the food i drop in or should i go with floating pellets? i have some floating pellets for my cichlids is it ok to feed him that?
Seachem has a product called "Entice". Soak your food in a bit of that and it'll work (mine go crazy when I use it). Best part is the garlic and vit C is very healthy for them.

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I'm not sure what a bubble wand would have to do with a finicky eater, but if you think it's distracting him from eating it's worth trying.

Do you only use one kind of food? I keep a variety and feed different types/brands at random times. I feed mine floating pellets, but goldies can't have "tropical" fish food because it contains too much protein and that's bad for them.

You can also feed them peas (shelled) and other vegies that are good for them. Peas help clean out their system and I feed mine some once a week and they love it.

Sent from my Epic 4G
yeah absolutely he has pellets sinking and floating plus flakes he just doesn't seem to ever see it. I do the pea rutine and he loves them iam just wondering why he never swims to get the food right away like all my other fish do they all know its feeding time lol
ryan-peddle said:
yeah absolutely he has pellets sinking and floating plus flakes he just doesn't seem to ever see it. I do the pea rutine and he loves them iam just wondering why he never swims to get the food right away like all my other fish do they all know its feeding time lol

Gotcha. One thing I'm sure you know about Moors is that they are half blind on a good day. So always feed them in the same spot and maybe try hand feeding him (1 pellet at a time).

If it's more that he doesn't seem to be eating, that Entice I suggested will do the job. But I'd be more concerned about "why" he's not eating. Must be something, but it sounds like you don't see anything wrong externally.
no not at all its just like he misses it and then he sucks up gravel to get it at the bottom but he did have like flat marble bottom and the food would get lost in between but i switched it out for gravel maybe that will help so he can still get it off the bottom
Like I said blind as a bat they are. hehehe... But gotta love em for their personality.

Same feed spot is important and to kinda give mine a target I have one of those floating feeding rings from petco and put all food there (even sinking food). My big one will attack it to remind me it's feeding time and use his big *** tail to splash me if I don't "jump to it!" quick enough :D.

IMHO, as long as he doesn't look underfed or ill, you're gonna be fine.
kool thanks a lot i think iam gonna try a feeding ring then the food will stay put and go in the same spot every time great idea
What you are describing is pretty common. Some fish are just not interested in chasing food in the water column. Normal goldfish feeding is actually rooting around in the gravel at the bottom to look for food (this is called "booking"), and the catching of food in the water while we watch is actually a trained behavior ....

As long as the fish is getting the food, it is not really a problem if he wants to dig around for it. Poor eye-sight is also a possibility. My Moor (who is half blind like most moors) makes a pretense of getting food at feeding time, but he almost always miss. <The breeds with poor eyesight feed by smell.> He is surviving by eating all the leftovers in the gravel. He is growing & appears healthy, so I let him be. <Although I have to feed a bit extra so there are actually leftovers that reached the gravel before the other 8 hoover everything up!>

If you really want to watch you fish eat, you can try :
1. Always feed at the same spot, and at approx the same time so the fish knows it is supper time.
2. Put a flat rock or a small plate at the bottom & aim to have the pellets fall onto it. You can train the fish to always go to the dish for supper.
3. Hand feed your fish. Fun to do and make your fish more a pet. I would start with chopped (cooked) shrimp ... no goldfish can resist that! You can also feed veggies (peas, etc) & other "whole" food by hand. <Or even pellets.> Once the fish associate you with food, they will come begging every time you walk by. <My fish always come & nibble on my hand when I do maintenance.>
jsoong said:
What you are describing is pretty common. Some fish are just not interested in chasing food in the water column. Normal goldfish feeding is actually rooting around in the gravel at the bottom to look for food (this is called "booking"), and the catching of food in the water while we watch is actually a trained behavior ....

As long as the fish is getting the food, it is not really a problem if he wants to dig around for it. Poor eye-sight is also a possibility. My Moor (who is half blind like most moors) makes a pretense of getting food at feeding time, but he almost always miss. <The breeds with poor eyesight feed by smell.> He is surviving by eating all the leftovers in the gravel. He is growing & appears healthy, so I let him be. <Although I have to feed a bit extra so there are actually leftovers that reached the gravel before the other 8 hoover everything up!>

If you really want to watch you fish eat, you can try :
1. Always feed at the same spot, and at approx the same time so the fish knows it is supper time.
2. Put a flat rock or a small plate at the bottom & aim to have the pellets fall onto it. You can train the fish to always go to the dish for supper.
3. Hand feed your fish. Fun to do and make your fish more a pet. I would start with chopped (cooked) shrimp ... no goldfish can resist that! You can also feed veggies (peas, etc) & other "whole" food by hand. <Or even pellets.> Once the fish associate you with food, they will come begging every time you walk by. <My fish always come & nibble on my hand when I do maintenance.>

Yep, like I said personality :).

Jsoong, if you have a moment could you look at this please:

Many Thanks!
hahaha my thoughts exactly lol i only have 5 tanks right now need another before i get a new fishie though i like to give my guys loads of swimming room they seem happier and live a long time
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