Funny Male Guppy

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jul 17, 2010
Funny Male Guppy. I just moved my male guppy from quarantine into my 40 gallon long. At first male guppy hid behind a plant. I soon went back to check my tank. Male guppy is now chasing my female guppies. That did not last long. lol. I told them to make me babies. I want a lot of guppies. So that is the way to do it. I have 6 females and one male guppy for 40 gallon tank. My other guppy babies I feed 3 times a day. They are getting bigger. Still small though. my other baby guppies are in my 6.5 gallon tank by them selves. I will put in 40 gallon long.. Once they get bigger.
That's what males do. ;) ;) In the wild, it's not unusual to see a male with 40-50 females just spreading his seed wherever he can. :brows::lol::lol:
LOL. Guppies are funny. Well hopefully I will get more baby guppies, soon. If I leave baby fry in big tank with all the guppies, will they eat all my fry? I do have a lot of fake plants in my 40 gallon tank for them to hide, Or should I use my 6.5 tank just for the babies?
LOL. Guppies are funny. Well hopefully I will get more baby guppies, soon. If I leave baby fry in big tank with all the guppies, will they eat all my fry? I do have a lot of fake plants in my 40 gallon tank for them to hide, Or should I use my 6.5 tank just for the babies?
If you leave guppy fry with parents, there's a chance they will get eaten. The ones that don't get eaten hide better. Look again at the pic of the guppy tank I showed you before. It was FILLED with plants. Barely any swimming room for the parents but a continuous supply of fry. Professional Guppy breeders use small tanks for their breeders and larger tanks for their fry. You are doing the opposite.
I have 3 male guppies coming from Ebay. Where do I put the males? In my 6.5 gallon tank. Do I keep the adult guppies in the 6,5 gallon tank, if so how many guppies can I put in my 6,5 gallon tank? Four male guppies for each tank. Then when they give me baby guppies, do I wait to their grown guppies, before putting in 40 gallon long?
I have 3 male guppies coming from Ebay. Where do I put the males? In my 6.5 gallon tank. Do I keep the adult guppies in the 6,5 gallon tank, if so how many guppies can I put in my 6,5 gallon tank? Four male guppies for each tank. Then when they give me baby guppies, do I wait to their grown guppies, before putting in 40 gallon long?
Why did you get more males?????? You want to have 1 male to at least every 2-3 females. If you only had 6 females, you should only be getting 1 more male at the most since you only have 2 smaller tanks. Now you have a situation that is not conducive to your breeding goals. The solution is either more tanks or less fish. If you can cancel the new males, I would.
I can't stop the order is on way to me. I ordered the guppies cause I want a guppy tank in my living room, I was going to put 3 guppy males in one tank. I did order another guppy male, which is 4 guppies to me in the male. I was going to add one guppy male for my bigger tank. Then that be two males for my 40 gallon tank. The rest of guppies I put in my smaller tanks.
I can't stop the order is on way to me. I ordered the guppies cause I want a guppy tank in my living room, I was going to put 3 guppy males in one tank. I did order another guppy male, which is 4 guppies to me in the male. I was going to add one guppy male for my bigger tank. Then that be two males for my 40 gallon tank. The rest of guppies I put in my smaller tanks.
If you are talking about the other 40 with the community fish, the Tetras will probably tear them to shreds. Not a good mix.
I am talking about my other 40 gallon tank. All fish in that tank are 6 guppies females and one guppy male. I have 2 40 gallon tanks. One long and one tall 40 gallon tank. I also have two 6.5 gallon tanks.
If you only have two 40 gallon tanks and one of them is in your bedroom ( the 40 long), that means the other 40 in the living room is the community tank. Did you get rid of the other fish in that tank?
Do you have an empty tank to quarantine these new fish?
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Some fish in the main tank are still alive, but it is not for my guppies. i have one empty tank. I am waiting for my 3 male guppies to arrive, for my 6.5 gallon tank, which is empty. My other 6.5 has the baby guppies.
Some fish in the main tank are still alive, but it is not for my guppies. i have one empty tank. I am waiting for my 3 male guppies to arrive, for my 6.5 gallon tank, which is empty. My other 6.5 has the baby guppies.
Okay, I thought I read you wanted Guppies for the living room tank. I now see the word " Tank" is not there ( don't know if you corrected that or I read it too fast? )

One of the issues you will come across is that you will need to separate fish out so you need to have empty tanks available. You may need one to medicate a fish or isolate a bullied fish or tank to keep just the male fry as they mature or quarantine new fish or all of these at the same time :oops: So the key word is "empty" tank(s). If you want to breed for profit, you need to have as many fry survive as you can get and that means more tanks.
I suggest you listen to this video series:
on how to breed mutt guppies for profit. Watch the whole series. Pay close attention to what it takes.
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