Fantail very lethargic

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 29, 2012
Can anyone help with a lethargic fantail?

Doesn't seem to be swimming normal, just staying in top corner of tank! It's very floaty and not himself :(
Did tests this morning and again this afternoon PH levels were very blue(will this be the reason) ammonia .25 so did 10% water change as I have already done water change last Wednesday.
Please help!!!!
How big of a tank is it, how new is it, and what are the nitrite and nitrate readings? Also, what is your normal water change routine?

Ph isn't really that important unless its outrageously out of whack. Stability is much more important. When n doubt, do a large water change, 50% or more.
My tank is 35l and it's been established since jan 2011. My nitrates and nitrites are 0 ... I have been doing weekly water changes for a while now.
That would be just under 10 gallons. Unfortunately, goldfish do not do well in that small of a space long term. A fancy goldfish (fantails, orandas, ryukins, etc) need the minimum of 20 gallons, which I think is about 75l, for the first goldfish, and an additional ten gallons for each consecutive fish.

Goldfish produce alot of waste and require a large volume of water to be healthy and happy for long term. They should also be getting at least a 50% water change each and every week. In that small of a tank, you probably should be doing a 75% water change each week.

See if doing a larger water change eack week helps. Other than that.. you should really try to upgrad the tank as soon as you are able.
Goldfish have an organ called the swim bladder, which allows them to control their own buoyancy.

It sounds like yours is having some trouble there.
Try feeding it just fruit and veggies for a few days to help with constipation.

What do you feed it? This can be a great area to effect change!

Talvari's info is excellent and accurate as well!
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