fearlessfisch Quesiton for you

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Feb 25, 2004
Milwaukee WI

I wa slooking in your gallary and saw that you have a roman ruins deco going. THis is really neat lookig. I have ofund some ruins to buy and while they also look nice online i was wonderign where exactly you purchased your decoraitons form. If you could post a rpely or email me.


Thankyou so much

I don't remember seeing fearless on here for quite a while... You could also try emailing him/her.
looks like everyone else beat me to it. :)

the one on the left is from petsmart, and they have other matching similar decor.

the one on the right was carried by petco, but they don't have it on their website anymore. it might be on other aquarium sites...i think they called it "greek temple." it's not as nicely detailed as the other one, though.

petsmart and bigalsonline both carry the backing i think.

thanks for asking.
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