feeding coral?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 23, 2006
Toledo, Ohio
im just curious, im still a freshie, but what exactly do you feed coral, i mean its an animal surprisingly, unless they stricly filter feed.

im assuming different corals have different needs, but is there coral food or anything?
Most corals contain zooxanthellea, which means they get their food from the light you provide, which is why lighting is important. Some corals need fed while others don't. When you do feed, it can be any assortment of meaty foods like shrimp, scallops, etc. Phytoplankton added to the water will also work.
You would get a better answer if we knew which type coral you were talking about. Different strokes for different corals.
im not sure what coral, i dont even have a sw tank up yet, im just curious as to what to expect...
When you decide to get some corals or if you find some you like, come on here and ask about them before you get them so we can tell you how hard they are to take care of and what their primary source of food is. Its good to know that your doing your research way in advance though!
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