Feeding Lobsters and shrimp

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 27, 2013
I am planning on adding a blue lobster and some shrimp to my aquarium next week. What does everyone feed their little guys?
They will eat any kind of sinking aquarium pellet but I think that a blue crayfish will eat all of you shrimp if they are ghost shrimp, rcs, or something along the lines of that. Watch the blue cray, he'll eat all your fish if you're not carefull.
They said if he had a cave territory that he'd leave the other fish alone!
He will eat the shrimp too if he can catch them. Same with fish, if he can catch one he will eat it. They are sometimes quite quick, though because they can only swim backward, shrimp and fish have some advantage, being able to swim forward.

Feed him an assortment of sinking carnivore pellets and veggies, if he is not hungry he is less likely to hunt for shrimp and fish.
If you really want a cray with shrimp, the CPO, or Mexican Dwarf Orange, is the best bet. They stay quite small, and usually can't catch shrimp, being a bit slower and also not swimming forward. Also far less likely to catch a fish, even fry, unless it is unlucky and swims right into the cray's claws.
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