Feeling helpless

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
May 3, 2015
Hello everyone, I came to this site looking for help. I am a new fish owner who became very attached to my fish and looking for answers.
Well we certainly can help with this! Ask away! Please be very detailed about tank size, fish, water parameters, and water change schedule so we can help the best we can!

whar to do

I am don't know if you are familiar with this but I bought a fun fish tanks for a beta and was doing fine for 3 months until I decided to put him in a new tank since the pouring in good water and bad water being pushed out doesnt get all the waste out. I used some throw away gloves to remove rocks from tank to put him in new tank and didnt realize the glove are the kind with powder on the inside and it got in his new water. He was in there for some hours until I figured out what it was. Now he has white stuff around his face a d on the gills I think. He is itching scratching himself on rocks. I just bought today by jungle lifeguard all in one treatment and break off a little piece and put i his water since its a half a gallon and just waiting to see and hope it works. My fish is moving normal and eating normal since I had taken him out of contaminated water just itching alot. I also change water once a week . I wonder if water change can cause this to.
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The white bumps almost sound like Ich. Due to an uncycled tank undoubtedly.

Have you heard of the nitrogen cycle before? It's where bacteria build up the filter and on surfaces in the tank. When the tank is first set up, this bacteria is not present yet. These bacteria help filter out all the bad stuff in your tank like ammonia. Ammonia comes from fish poop and dying plant material if you have live plants. The bacteria then convert it to NitrIte, a slightly less toxic form but still very toxic to fish. From there, the bacteria will convert it to nirtAte. NitrAte is much loss toxic to fish and only becomes toxic if let go into toxic levels (80+ ppm). This process is known as the Nitrogen Cycle. Many people new to the hobby do not know of this process. It is simple and easy. A few weeks and the cycle is done and your fish can live healthy and happy. If you go to the Getting Started section of the forum and click the sticky at the top it will tell you all about cycling your tank properly.

Next thing, I think I read that your tank is half a gallon? If not please correct me. That is way too small. This is a common misconception generated by big box companies. Bettas need at least 2.5 gallons preferably 5 gallons. They also need a heater as they prefer temperatures around 78-80 degrees F.

Next, you Betta likely has what is known as "Ich". Ich is not present in nature because of the abundance of water fish live in. In the home aquarium they have the water contained in the 4 or more walls around them. Ich is a free floating parasite that is often caused by stress and weakening of the immune system in a fish. Your tank being uncycled likely caused this stress. If you don't have a heater, get one. Crank the heat up to 86 degrees F. This will greatly increase the life cycle of Ich and cause it to pass much quicker. You should also do water changes every day/ every other day.

I'm going to assume you don't have a liquid test kit. These are vitally important for knowing what's going on inside your tank. It is crucial to have one during the cycling process. I would invest in a lot of you do not have one. An API master test kit runs about $30 retail and sometimes cheaper online. It's great and accurate and lasts a long time. Test strips are very inaccurate don't waste money on them.

Hope this helps!

Thanks for the info not sure what Im gonna do. I guess I was given false advertisement. Its said betas are so much easier to take care of but it seems like it is more to it than what I thought.
Thanks for the info not sure what Im gonna do. I guess I was given false advertisement. Its said betas are so much easier to take care of but it seems like it is more to it than what I thought.

If you can get the right tank size and requirements to take care of them, it's really only feeding and a water change every week. It is easy if done correctly. There is tons of false advertising especially by big boxes stores and even more so about bettas. The Betta/goldfish in a bowl is a complete myth.

fish can't breath

Hi Imacoolguy I have a question I finally got a 5 gallon tank with heater. My fish doesnt have ich but a fungus or bactieria I am using melafox and pima fix to treat using the recomended dose from API this is the 2nd day and my fish acts like he is having trouble breathing I have a filter withought carbon right now. I dont know what to do to help him He is breathing alot at surface and his gills go out more. Im not sure if I wanna keep using the treatment.
82 degrees also after using aquarium salt looks like his mouth got kinda swollen and white. I wont use that anymore. I alsi think the white on his gills is just a scar from being inflamed from that powder from gloves. But tbe white looking mouth now is something new.

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