Final Decsion

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Pacu Man

Aquarium Advice Activist
Jul 20, 2003
Toronto, ON
Ok, i've come to the realization that maroon clown (as cool as it is) must leave the 20 gal :cry:

After which im going to try a pair of fake percs tank bred i saw at big als the other day. What say you to this?
sorry you had to come to that maybe you can find a new good home for it..just a thought
Could you possibly keep a maroon clown, with a perc pair in a big tank? Like 150 gallons?
Could you possibly keep a maroon clown, with a perc pair in a big tank? Like 150 gallons?

Possibly but maroons are known to be the most aggresive of all anenome fish. From my experience a bad temper runs in the family of these guys. To put them in a 150 with good rock work i wouldnt see a problem. Providing hiding places i think you would be able to. Maroons are very teritorial, and will probably claim half the tank himself. 8O JMI HTH
I wouldnt recommend keeping over 1 pair of clowns. If you have 3 clowns, 2 will pair up and harass the other.
umm... i have a 95g.. not much rock work.. three clowns that vary in sizes... i have 2 maroons that are beginning to pair... and a false perc. they used to fight but i think that was just to establish who is who.. they rarely do anything now..
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