Finally - I get my blue ram!

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Mar 28, 2011
I had a couple rams two years ago when I started this hobby and, of course, lost them because I didn't know what I was doing. Since then I have read much and have been nervous about getting one again. They have always been my favorite, though.

I have had a steady tank maintenance for several weeks since moving houses. I got a good water test from my LFS and decided to take the plunge yesterday. So excited!

They usually only have babies at my LFS (they breed them) but yesterday they had ones that were bigger and full of color already. I got one of those. My kids say he "glows". Very pretty without having to wait for him to grow up.

Now - cross my fingers that he lives. All inhabintants seem to be getting along well (my usual harmless bully is tailing the ram a bit, but no damage). So I will sit back, watch, maintain, and enjoy.
I love German blue rams, I think they are a freshwater fish that give some saltwater a run for there money as far a color. You should see there color when they are spawning.
The bully is a small rosy barb. Research says they can get bigger, but my long finned male is only 2-3 inches, which is good since my tank is small. He has harrassed everything I put in there, but after some time settles down. He hasn't been too bad with the ram (compared to what he did to the poor platy) but I still see him on the tail fin of the ram once in a while. Ram's fins are intact so I am not worrying.
I don't think rosys are nasty like tigers. He's the biggest fish in the tank and just makes sure the others know it. He and the ram are actually about the same size so it could be interesting if push comes to shove over time.
I love the look of the rams. I have a Bolivian. I would like to get a blue ram, but alas I have no more room in my tank. :(
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