First Attempt at a Planted 29 gal

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 10, 2014
Batavia, IL
29 gallon Planted Community

Substrate: Black Diamond Blasting Sand 20/40 grade
Filter: AC50 HOB
Powerhead: AC Powerhead 30
Heater: Fluval M100
Light: Ecoxotic e 60

Water Test Using API Master Kit
I am using a mix of RO and tap water.

This is my first attempt at a planted tank. I am trying to keep it low/medium tech. I used black diamond blasting sand with API root tabs. I really wanted to use Seachem Flourish tabs but no one locally has them. Also, I am
dosing with Seachem Flourish and Seachem Flourish excel.

Current Plant list:
Anubias barteri
Cryptocoryne wendtii
Cryptocoryne parva
Staurogyne repens

As you can see I need to find some back ground plants. I was looking at Alternanthera reineckii for its height and red color. I am open to suggestions
but want to stay away swords.

Attached is a before and after photo.


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First of all, nice scape! Might i suggest vallisneria's? Easy, undemanding plant that looks absolutely stunning when it reaches it's full potentiol.. If you want something more 'forest' looking you can try hygrophila... Both are very good beginners plants. Hope this helps

Sent per three-eyed raven...
Looks great.

My suggestions are Wisteria, Crypt. Lutea, Java Ferns, Anubias nana, Bacopa, and Lobelia.

All are easy to find, and super easy. Never had luck with Alternanthea -red leaves require pretty bright light for photosynthesis, and I'm not familiar with your fixture.

Also, heard of Excel melting Crypts before, not sure on the validity of the lore, though.
The ecoxotic e-series is a nice fixture. You'll be able to grow a whole lot, especially if you start injecting CO2. But for now, just look out for algae if you run that light too long at full intensity. Might have to make a custom dimmer daylight setting.

Excel will help as a carbon source (in lieu of CO2) and a mild algaecide with that bright LED. You might have to slowly increase the dose as you get more plant mass in there. Also up the ferts (research pps-pro).

For background plants, you can get some rotala. Cyprus Helferi can look nice in the back. I've seen tissue culture packs of it at petsmart.

BTW, research dosing Glut (metricide 14) when your excel runs out. It'll save you cash.
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Well it has been almost three weeks since I planted the tank and have things changed. I read through some of the previous posts and decided to put some Cyprus Helferi, Bacopa caroliniana and Alternanthera reineckii for background plants.

I started some diy CO2 but just switched it out to a 20 oz paintball bottle with a watts needle valve running 24/7. In the picture you will see a power head with a plastic bottle stuffed with polishing cloth that also acts as my co2 diffuser. I was going to use an atomic diffuser but it meet a terrible demise when I bumped the needle valve blowing it apart. :(

The Staurogyne repens are rooting very well in the blasting sand and filling out. The crypts meet with some melt but seem to be rebounding nicely. The anubias both ended up suffering from root rot. As Brian pointed out with the bright light, I do have a little green dust algae. So I reduced the power intensity and duration. Hopefully it will clear up in a week or two. I also decided to start EI dosing today.


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