fish and...noisy construction work

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Oct 7, 2011
Sydney, Australia
hey guys,

ok so possibly a weird one here, but i hope you can follow.

i've just moved to a new property and within a week of moving in, unbeknownst to us, a huge development/construction work has begun above our roof (we are on the top floor of an apartment building).

unpleasantries toward the real estate and construction companies aside, does this affect fish adversely? by that i mean, the noise is extremely loud in the mornings as they're using jack hammers. i was initially concerned about vibrations affecting them and possibly stressing them, but that appears to be minimal, however the noise is still very loud.

i've monitored their behaviour as much as possible while this has been going on but i just wanted to ask up front if anyone knew fish noise thresholds? or could shed some light on something similar? right now they don't seem too bothered but the construction work will be continuing for 12 weeks.

thanks in advance <3
I don't think it would affect them. I have tanks next to TVs and stereos, next to doors slamming and 2 very noisy kids. Most fish simply get use to it IMO.
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I don't think it would affect them. I have tanks next to TVs and stereos, next to doors slamming and 2 very noisy kids. Most fish simply get use to it IMO.

thanks mumma. i can't handle anymore sick fish :( it's like they're all dropping off slowly and i don't wanna lose anymore.

i'll keep an eye on them but thanks for that; that's good to know
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