Fish Food Help!

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Aquarium Advice Freak
May 17, 2013
Orange County, CA
Hello! I have just recently joined AA, and I am beginning to get familiar with it. Anyway, I am going to get a 10 gallon tank very soon, maybe today! I was wondering, what brands of fish food are best? I'm thinking about getting platies and neon tetras, if that has anything to do with the brand of food I should get. I have read some pretty good reviews especially on New Life Spectrum, Omega One, etc. If you have had good experience using a certain brand please let me know! Remember this will be my first time with fish (If you don't count the time when I was five years old and my dad got tired of my fish and flushed them...:lol:) thanks! :thanks: :fish2:
The two you listed, in the order you listed them, are widely regarded as the two best brands out there. If your interested in supplementing with some frozen food from time to time, then I would suggest San Francisco Bay brand.
My other advice would be to offer a variety of different food choices for your fish. For example, my fish get Kelp flakes, regular flakes, a couple different kinds of pellets, dried tubifex worms, dried brine shrimp, frozen brine shrimp, frozen blood worms and blanched peas.
They can survive on just one type of food, but they thrive when they get a variety.

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