Fish Growth

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 26, 2013
Is there a rough estimate for how long it takes for a fish to become full grown or does it vary widely from one species to the next?
fish growth

Is there a rough estimate for how long it takes for a fish to become full grown or does it vary widely from one species to the next?
It depends on the type of fish you have, some fish are slow grower's and some are fast, and there is some that will out grow your tank if it isn;t big enough. In general if you have Cilcilhd's(spelling). they can grow fairly fast. The old saying that the fish will only grow to the tank it is in, is false they can and will out grow your tank if you put them into to small a tank to begin with. So you should research the fish you want and see how big he will get and then buy the tank that will house him at his full size. Even tho you buy him small he will grow.:):)
It depends on the type of fish you have, some fish are slow grower's and some are fast, and there is some that will out grow your tank if it isn;t big enough. In general if you have Cilcilhd's(spelling). they can grow fairly fast. The old saying that the fish will only grow to the tank it is in, is false they can and will out grow your tank if you put them into to small a tank to begin with. So you should research the fish you want and see how big he will get and then buy the tank that will house him at his full size. Even tho you buy him small he will grow.:):)

Watching your fish grow, it makes you feel like a proud parent. Honest.
As stated above it depends on the type of fish. One thing that many seem not to know is that many of the common community fish in the hobby will actually grow much larger if given the proper conditions. Put a group of 10-12 sword fry in a 20L and you will get just about what you see at the pet store. Place the same group in a 55gal and they will turn into 4" monster swords. Mollys and platys do the same thing. If you're trying to get something to age for breeding purposes, way under stock in a speices only tank, see above example. Also, choice of foods makes a huge difference. In two 10gals add a group of 6-10 livebearers or small cichlid fry for that matter. Feed one group the normal prepared diet and the other start with live baby brine shrimp and a little prepared food on the side. For vegitation use blanched peas cut into 1/4. The fish eating the live and natural foods will grow at close to if not exceed double the rate of the prepared food group. Keep in mind that water quality plays a role as well. If your fish live in the toilet, your breeding project will end up there quickly. I use kiddie pools outside in the summer and it is unbelievable. I actually purchase fish, breed them and raise the fry as stated above for display fish. Kiddie pools are a very cool fun summer project you can do for under $30. The misquito larva also supply free live food.
Watching your fish grow, it makes you feel like a proud parent. Honest.

Yes! This is actually why I was asking. I've only had my tank set up for a few months and I'm a new hobbyist so I was feeling very proud that I can see some of my fish growing already. I came into this totally uneducated and I've learned so much and am doing my best to give my fish a healthy home. It feels good to see that paying off so soon!
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