Fish in dirty tank

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Apr 9, 2011
I have a globe tank, a little more than a gallon, and a small (still baby sized) cat fish and a minnow.
Now, they are my first fishes who I've had over a year, and I always used to clean the tank all the time, but because I've been moving and staying somewhere else, I havent cleaned in almost 5 months, but, they are fine with this. They still play all the time with each other, and I guess they eat when I feed them, I havent had time to watch, but, I'm wanting to move them to my new place with a 10 gallon tank. I know the catfish will get bigger and probably eat the minnow if I move it in there, but I was considering just keeping them in there.
I've had friends with fish who didn't clean it for forever till it was gross, but during the night they died.
I caught both of them in a pond together and I just don't want to see them seperated or to die!!!
So, is it safe to clean the tank? Or, what else should i do?
No pics, sorry.
that is way too small,your catfish has been stunted,and no fish should be in a tank that small.put them back in the pond.
Ok, so I want to put it in a bigger tank for more growth and I get shamed? I was living in an EXTREMEMLY small house and we had some angel fish and stuff in the tank, they died then I got them. Got them when they were small fry, they dont even know. They're healthy, so I'm sure thats fine. The catfish will die in my pond because theres like killer catfish there, and I'm quite attached. I was asking if It was safe enough to have them in fresh water.
ok,and yes,fresh watewr is fine,but let the tank cycle first.
alLexX, I think you're asking too much all at once. Impolite, I think it would be a good idea to clean your tank, but save some of the water if you do (maybe 30%) so they have some of their old water with the new water. And make sure that it's the same temperature so they're not shocked. =]

Also, if you don't have time or money to upgrade right now (which is understandable), you'll probably want to do frequent partial water changes, because they are in a small habitat and will foul it up with their waste. Maybe, 30% twice a week to start?

Good luck!

Edit: Oh, and you probably already know, but if you're going to put in new tap water, be sure to treat it for chlorine!
I just got a new tank (10 gallons) and I'm wanting to upgrade to that. But my mom had a catfish once and its tank got dirtier and dirtier and one day they were like "letsclean it to be nice!" and the next day it was dead, so that's why I was wondering.
Yeah, I fix the water every time I clean or add more. :)
But as long as it's safe, thanks!
Yeah, if you put in all new water and such, it could shock the fish to death, which is why I say to leave some of the old water in... and if you're planning to upgrade to the 10g, great, but please do cycle it first! Do you know about that? =]
Yeah that's all good.
But I've been looking into some different fish, and I may give the catfish and minnow to a good friend with other fish (and just so happen have catfish brothers and sisters fromthe same night we got them :))
Okay! Remember that when stocking a 10g, to be careful not to overstock as only certain species will thrive in a small environment. What kinds of fish do you like?
All fish! :D but tropical.
I got the catfish and minnow before the pond was emptied.
But I was going to ask some employes from where I get my fish
Well freshwater tropical is like, everything BUT minnows and goldfish. XD So you have a lot to choose from. Just to be safe, run what your fish store has to say by people on this forum before deciding. Sometimes the fish store just wants to make money and doesn't care as much about what's really healthy for your fish (if they sell betta bowls, for instance).

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