Fish in tank not cycled- leaving for 4 days

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Nov 19, 2012
My tank is almost 5 weeks in, with fish. Was given awful advice about starting, so I lost the first group (4 neon tetras, 1 gourami). Only survivor was African dwarf frog.
Current status- 10g tank - 1 Frog, 4 danios, 1 pleco.. All named, and not trying to lose more.
Ammonia is down, but nitrite 5ppm, nitrate 20ppm
Doing 10-30% water changes almost daily, testing water daily as well

Anything else helpful to lower these levels? And Im leaving for four days, worried about them, and not sure I can trust anyone fully. Worried they would either overfeed them or disregard them too much, not know how important checking water levels and water change accordingly...
NitrIte is 5? That's a lethal level. You should do quite a few large (60%) water changes back-to-back to get those levels down <.25. It may be a losing battle though as you're very much overstocked for a 10 gal. What test kit are you using? I wouldn't worry about not feeding them for a few days, they'll likely be fine without food. I'd be more worried about the rising ammonia/nitrite levels that will occur in an overstocked uncycled tank in 4 days. Can no one else do water changes when you're away?
I'm using API freshwater master test kit.

The ammonia is already down, it's the nitrite and nitrate that's peaked. I will do larger water changes as you recommended, and will just walk my friend thru step by step the water testing and water changes while I'm gone...fingers crossed.

I'm way overstocked?? With just the one African dwarf frog, 1 pleco, and 4 danios?
I have just completed my fish in cycle and all levels are zero and ph at 7.4.
I did water changes every other day and changed around a third of a tank at a time. I also used a gravel vac which was useful too. I think you will need to increase your changes to get your levels down. Are you using anything such as a stress zyme when your changing water?
I appreciate im not as experienced as some if these guys but thought I would share with you as i have just come through pain of it all( whilst dealing with ich at the same time)...hang in there
Unfortunately yes. Danios are active fish and should have a larger tank. ADFs are social creatures and should be in a group of at least 2, 3 is better but in a 10 gal that would be pretty much all you could have in there. The largest problem is the pleco, which are very messy and can grow fairly large, I think the smallest get to be around 5", which is too large for a 10 gal. The pleco is probably where so much of your toxin spikes are coming from.
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