Fish just died...

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 13, 2011
My brother (9) got a new tank all set up and everything fine and got his fish yesterday ( 3 glofish) and they were doing great swimming everywhere exploring their new home and just doing good in general. He put some plants in the tank after adding them without my help. the plants were in those tubes with the gel in the bottom to keep them alive and he thinks he got some of the gel in the tank which poisoned the water and killed the fish. He was also moving things around after adding the fish to his tank (like the plants and the moss ball and an air stone) and I think all the movement of his arm/hand stressed them out way too much. The first fish that died started swimming really fast and spinning around real fast while going everywhere like he couldnt control where he was going. after that he stopped and just laid there but then started doing it again. this happened a lot. We left the room and when we came back he wasnt moving at all for a long time. the other two fish were sitting (normally not on their side) at the top. When he came back to go to bed he saw the other two were on their sides and dead. What could be the problem??? i dont think its that the tank isnt ready because him and i did the same things at the same time and my fish and plants are fine... Please help!
was that tank cycled?? and im not sure about the gel but maybe someone will chime in....
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