fish outta water

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 3, 2014
i had to do a full tank water change so i put my 4 fish in a significantly smaller tank. i went to go check on them, then came back 30 min to an hour after and my black ghost knife fish had jumped out. he is still alive but his skin has a white hue on the lower part of his body, his back tail is bloody, and the fins that eels use to swim with appear sliced up. what can i do to increase its survival chance?
Keep the water clean with water changes. Do a couple extra water changes this week. Fish heal best with clean water. It truly is the best medicine. Salt isn't necessary just clean water. Don't remove fish to do water changes. Even if you take the water low enough to just cover their backs it won't bother them. Taking them out causes more stress. Why did you feel the need to completely drain your tank?
Why did you remove so much water that you had to take the fish out? Is your tank cycled? Even if you are doing a "fish in" cycle multiple water changes of 50% would be much better and less stressful for your fish.
At this point all you can do is to maintain the purest water conditions possible. What are your water parameters? Anything over .25 ammonia and nitrite needs a 50% water change.
well the reason i feel i had to do a full water change was new years eve i had a party. the next day the water started to get cloudy and frothy, so i asked a friend and they said that someone probably put something in there. me assuming it was beer thought the best idea would be to completely change the water
it got worse on the 2nd so that was when i thought it would be best. heres a photo of back in the big tank. he was swimming around but he looks to be in bad shape
forgot image


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