Fish sleep?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Apr 5, 2007
Yup, I'm a fish newbie. Do fish sleep when it gets dark? I just went into my bedroom and looked in the tank to find my Siamese fighting fish completely still underneath the heater. I'm moderately concerned because I'm not sure if this is normal or if I should be concerned. He started moving again when I started prodding around in the tank - I was a little freaked out that he might have been dead.

He's also not eating (at least not while I'm watching). Mostly I take the food out before it can sink to the bottom, but I've missed some of it. He doesn't seem to be losing any weight and he's generally fairly active.

Tank specs: neutral pH; 27 degrees C; large gravel substrate; plastic plants; 9 gallons of water; no tankmates.

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Yes, fish do sleep. He's probably not eating because he's just waking up. Give him a couple hours.
Fish sleep. Bettas like to have a plant or 2 (silk will do) to sleep on.

It takes a while for our betta to get use to new surroundings & start eating. If yours is new, give it a week or 2.
well the I's have it - fish sleep =) My betta is NOT an early bird. When i get up in the morning for work and turn on the light in the living room, hes usually asleep in the back of his tank away from any light, and on a fake plant i have in there.

he always swims to the edge of the glass and flares at me when I pass by.. kinda his way of saying "thanks for wakin me up jerk"
Awesome, thanks for that info guys =D I'm very glad to know he's not dying or anything! I figured anything was possible since he was living in a glass jar at a pet shop until less than a week ago. And he really seems to like the heater WAY too much lol.
yeah bettas love it warm, around 80ish they love it, mine plays with the heater all day, its where he sleeps too
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