Fish spining

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Oct 7, 2009
So i look at my tank tonight, and one of my platys is just swimming around the tank at full speed doing a barrel roll type thing, or i guess a corkscrew. any way it did this for about 5 mins, and then i pulled it out and put it in a bucket with a good amount of water in it. it continued to spin and it would not respond to anything like when i put my hand in the water or near it. and it would stop occasional for a few seconds where it appeared to be conscious and looked like it was breathing really really fast. So after about 15 mins in the bucket i panicked and put it down. So really what was it and will my other fish get it? I also took about a minute worth of video and put it on youtube link will be at the bottom. so did I do the right thing?

YouTube - Whatisgoingonhere.wmv
As a side note, I have no way of taking care of it and observing it separately, my zebra danio seemed to be confused and following it form a distance, and my platys were all hiding. I have a 10 gallon tank thats drying form some silicone patching i did, and my plastic floating breeder cage is occupied. All i had was the bucket, and thats no way to spend your last hours. Just want to know if i did the right thing.
I vote yes... as long as flushing it wasnt your method of "putting it down"... What is your ammonia reading? I had one did that when my ammonia stayed up when i first started...
Unfortunately I cannot check at this moment, as my resources money wise are out, so i have no testing kit. And no i put him into freezing water.
I had just lost 3 of my platies the same way, I have no clue what it was, but I'm thinking its Swim Bladder Disease. But I'm not too sure, as they too seemed unconscious almost, and didnt respond when they crashed into a few tetras. (which these friendly platies would always avoid)
Im not much help!
I know it felt bad to put the fish in a bucket but I think you did the right thing. I had a few bettas that spun around and swam very erratically near the end. At that point I don't think there's any treatment that you can do to make them better.

I don't think the other fish are going to start swimming erratically - I think the one fish that did was just near the end, unfortunately. I wouldn't medicate the other fish but I would do a few extra water changes over the next week or two.
To add to what An t-iasg said, keep a close eye on your other fish for any signs of disease or distress.

You did the right thing by euthanizing it :)

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