Fish Swimming Straight Up Then Coming Down! Whats Wrong???

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 28, 2005
An angel of mine looks sick. It is swimming strangely and going straight up then coming back down to the rocks and kind of just laying there! Every other fish looks and is swimming fine. The sick angel's fins are not spread out and I'm not sure but I might see white dots, ick. I have Quick Cure. Is it ok to put it in the tank with the other healthy fish? Please help!
I have a dip stick to see what the levels are....everything is fine
The Quick Cure says it is a treatment for Ick and other Protozoan Parasites, mild Fluke outbreaks, Costia, Chilodonell, and Trichondina (whatever all that is).
I think there might be a few of those spots that were in the picture but I can't be positive.

Nothing new, in or around the tank.
ok. Well, ich usually doesnt affect fish the way you describe it enless it is really severe. Treat the whole tank for ich(remoce snails and only do a half dose if you have scaless fish or bottom feeders). Do a 50% water change before you treat.
actually if it is ich you can treat it with heat. slowly raise the temp to about 86-87. keep it like this for at least a week after the last sign of ich, this is much safer then chemicals
what other fish are in the tank? if there aren't any catfish or anything like that, (scaleless) you could add salt, and that'll help more.
I agree start by turning up the heat slowly, if it is ich it will accelerate around 82-83F and you can continue to turn the heat up to 87 in that case.
White spot disease does effect fish the way you described it. It slowly kills your fish from the inside out. The fish also tries to avoid contact once it develops white spots while ick influences them to scratch and rub against anything they can including other fish. These would be tell tale signs of which one your fish is experiencing.

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