fishey death

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Sep 2, 2006
Calgary, AB
I thought I would post this in the lounge since it is a bit off topic...

I just had to euthanize a fish for the first time. It was horrible! I read the sticky on it in the unhealthy fish forum a long time ago and chose a method that I felt was humane if I ever had to do it. I have been just about to get ready to do it to fish before when they died but I never actually did it. Usually when fish pack it in I don't find it too too sad (or at least I get over it right away even if I am sad about it), but I feel really bad this time because I did it.

I know it was the right thing to do. I have watched 2 other rummynoses die horrible deaths (parasite I think) that this little guy was suffering from the same thing. The first one I lost, I felt bad because I let it go on too long hoping the medicine I was trying would work and in the end I think the fish suffered too long.

I guess I'm just wondering what your guys thoughts on this are.... How do you feel when you lose a fish?
I'm sorry for your loss. :(

I bought three rummynoses together, and I have one left. I am gathering from what I've read here from other people, and my own experience, that they are a very delicate species of fish. I have no idea what killed my first two, but each time I knew something was wrong when they decided to hang out on their own in my foliage instead of schooling. I was lucky(?) enough to come home to find them already gone and didn't have to watch any suffering and then euthanize. I've read that sticky too, though, and it is very helpful.

The thing is, I feel pretty helpless when I lose a fish; it's not like you can take it to a vet and say "It's just been sitting at the bottom" or "floating near the top." You have to try and figure out what the problem is and fix it, and that is sometimes impossible. I've read so many accounts on here of unexplained fishy deaths. It's hard.

But at least you did the right thing and ended the fish's suffering.
Hm. I am surprised no one has anything to say about this. I suppose it is a touchey subject. Oh well. :?
i had to euthanize a betta once. it took me all night and a bottle of wine to do it. :(
Temp shock.

Its just helpful to hear that others have had to do this. I know that its something that happens, but it sure was difficult. I was cleaning the 5 gal at work and telling a coworker about it and he was sort of making a joke out of it and calling me a murderer and stuff. I know he didn't mean it and was just trying to make light of things, but he made me feel pretty bad.
I think lots of us will have to face this at one point or another. I've had to do it a couple of times myself and it's always terrible, but as you mentioned, at that point you know it is the right thing to do. I also use the temp shock/freezing method. Sorry about your loss.
I must be an expert. I've given plenty a fish their final salute. Even done some necropsies with no problem. I'm not a very emotional person, if its gonna die it might as well be quick and painless. My mom called me coldhearted the other day because I was calling for a vet appointment to put down my cat. He's 15 and not eating much for the past month, he's lost half his weight, its time for him to go. I love my cat, but I'm not going to try elongating his life when he's suffering. I guess I learned from experience though. When I was little I used to try reviving my gerbils with ammonia. They only live 2 years and if they'd have a stroke I'd try my hardest to get them to live longer. It worked, but their suffering was just elongated.
Nothing to do for him. I'm surprised he lasted 15 years. He's had intestinal problems all his life and another cat we had with the same problem died at 6. The vet didn't expect him to last this long either. My mom just can't let go of anything. She waited until her dog had a stroke and was pretty much a vegetable before putting her down. I won't do that to my cat.
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