fishless cycle overdose!

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 22, 2013
North carolina
I was checking the ammonia in my 20g long that is currently cycling and for the first 2-3 minutes it read 0. So i went and added more (5 ml) of pure ammonia to the tank. Then i checked the test tube again and it read 5ppm, i have some anacharis, and crypts in the tank ATM, will it kill them? And how much ammonia to you advise to add daily? Sorry for all the Qs but i have never fishless cycled.

It's best to lower it some because too high of ammonia or nitrites can mess with a cycle, slowing or stalling it even. Honestly in a 20g depending on what stock you want to keep you might only want to dose up to 2 or 3ppm's of ammonia.
It's best to lower it some because too high of ammonia or nitrites can mess with a cycle, slowing or stalling it even. Honestly in a 20g depending on what stock you want to keep you might only want to dose up to 2 or 3ppm's of ammonia.

I want to keep a pair of apistogramma cacatouides, some cories, oto cats, and some tetras. I will do a 10% wc tommarow then
That stock will never produce 4ppm of ammonia daily unless you add tons of tetras and even then I doubt it. So I'd dose up to 3ppm.
That stock will never produce 4ppm of ammonia daily unless you add tons of tetras and even then I doubt it. So I'd dose up to 3ppm.

How many ml is 3 ppm? I was gonna add 4-5 corys, 7-8 small tetras or rasboras, 4 oto cats, and the pair of apistos. Also is there a test i can do to find out how much ammonia will be in 1 drop?
I never do fishless cycling but it doesn't take much. I'd start a new thread and title it "How much ammonia?" Then in the opening post as how many ml of ammonia does it take to dose water up to 3ppm in a fishless cycle.
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