Fishless cycle question i have not seen yet....

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 12, 2012
On the night I do my 90% wc to get my nitrAtes to a safe level do I not need to add anymore ammonia to keep the bb alive overnight until I add fish?

chazeman2 said:
On the night I do my 90% wc to get my nitrAtes to a safe level do I not need to add anymore ammonia to keep the bb alive overnight until I add fish?


The BB should be OK for a day or two from what I understand but if its going to be more than that definitely add some ammo.
The only thing I would suggest is when you get your fish home check the PH of the bag water from the LFS and compare it to the PH of your tank water. Use the "drip acclimation" method when adding your fish. if there's a big difference I'd suggest dripping slower and for a longer time to give the new fish the best possible time to adapt to your tank water.
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