Fixing Cloudy water

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Oct 11, 2004
Minneapolis, Minnesota
The water in my 20 gallon tank is kinda cloudy, but has started clearing up now that we have a gravel vac and are able to do larger water changes easier. Should we just keep doing changes (we're currently doing about 25-40% about every other day) or go out and find a RO unit? If we should get the RO unit, any particular model we should look for? I should be able to have a picture of the tank up in a few days.
You do not need a RO unit. RO units can actually be bad for freshwater because they remove trace minerals from the water that fish need.

Start doing small water changes (10%) every two days. Large changes are not needed at this point and can actually be worse than not changing the water at all. Only vacuum one side of the tank each week, to allow bacteria to build in the other. Once you get the tank established with a strong biofilter, you will almost never have to worry about cloudy water again. Patience really pays off here.
Could be a couple of things. If your tank is getting to much sunlight it could be an algea bloom. If this is the case it should have a slight greenish coloring. Cover the tank with a towel to keep the light from getting to it and it will clear in a day or two.

The other possibility is a bacterial bloom. Its a normal part of a new tank cycle. It will clear with water changes and time. Either way its nothing to worry about as both should clear with time.

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