Thanks for the link, I'll check it out
Are you using ferts, because maybe you can cut back on the dose, or cut back on your light, or some other nutrient-control method to control it.
and yes TankGirl, I am using fertilizer. I am using Kent Freshwater PLant Supplement. I have actually cut back on it recently just because I have been lazy. :? I'll pick it back up with a reduced dose and see what happens. Also, please feel freet to set me straight becasue I am fairly new to this hobby, I was under the impression that the supplement wouldn't be a problem because it's not adding Phosphates and/or silicates. Is it just a matter of
any excess nutrients?
I have been doing weekly water changes of about 25% for the past couple of weeks and I am also going to see how that goes. I let the tank go for about three weeks without a change (tons of travel) and I think it caught up with me. The tank is still stable and I think the fish are happy but the hair algae had a chance to bloom. I would like to change the water twice a week but I use
RO water and I just never get around to buying it frequently enough to change the water twice a week. I suppose I could try getting a couple more containers and just buying more of it at a time.
As far as lights. I run a 96 watt
PC for about 8 hours/day. I don't think this is too much light. Although, now that I think of it I was running a 30 Watt fluorescent for 8-12 hours along with the
PC. I have removed the florescent for my Cichlid tank and now it's just the
PC. I am currently running about 5-6 hours so my new clown loach doesn't freak out. I think he is acclimating well though.
I'll try keeping the light at 6-7 hours for a week or so and cut way back on the supplement and stay on my water change schedule and see what happens.
If anyone has any more info on compatability of hair algae eaters with my current setup, please let me know.