Flaring betta

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Aug 21, 2012

I have a 23 gallon community tank; 6 cardinal tetra, 6 harlequin rasbora, 4 adolfi cory and one betta. Everything has been fine for the last 2 weeks. But the last 2 days all the betta does is chase the harlequins and flare. What should I do? Let him ride it out or remove him? All readings are perfect, no ammonia nitrite or nitrate (planted)

Excuse if this comes out wrong I'm writing blind on my iPhone

Betta's are hit or miss in a community (personality wise). I have 2 betta's in there own little homes. One is chill (lives with an oto). One flares up every time someone walks by. If you are going to ride it out, make sure you have plenty of hiding spots for the others. If the behavior continues, you will have to rehome that betta.
That's what I was thinking, he has been fine for 2 weeks but now he's all over them.
He's just being territorial, as long as your harlequins aren't getting too stressed and they aren't actually fighting each other. I would try throwing a couple cavelike and tube like structures in for extra hiding/ chasing room. I have a community betta tank with 4 female betta, 1 male, 4 raspbora, 6 oto cats and 1 large pleco. My males (I have 5 that I cycle between my 10g planted and my community, I keep the other 3 in 2g holding tanks and cycle out every other week) do the same thing all the time, but they're usually all show.
The first 2 weeks were probably just getting used to the new digs. Now the natural behavior is showing.
The harlequins are mid to top level fish, as is the betta, and the betta sees that as competition as to who's going to grab the food first when it hits the water. Note how he doesn't chase the cardinals or cories. He will eventually learn that the harlequins will out swim him every time. Things will probably settle in a couple of weeks.

Thanks for the replys, spoke to my lfs and they are willing to take him back if I want, not sure if I want to keep him in there if its gonna stress him or the others out
I would give him a chance if he isn't physically hurting any of your other fish... At least a couple weeks, the same time it took him to get comfy, to let him get used to the fact that your raspbora aren't a threat to him. Raspbora are pretty tough fish, especially in schools. I would just rather see the little guy with someone who cares instead of an impulse buy for someone who's gonna go home and throw him in tap water and wonder why he's sick.... Do remove him immediately if starts showing signs of attacking. Good luck.

Got home from work and had to take coral (betta) out his fins were pretty damaged looks like he could of blown them from flaring non stop. So I took him back. To be fair my fish shop is pretty good at who it sells fish too I've seen them refuse sales before. They did try and tempt me with a pair of gorgeous electric blue rams, very expensive though I had to walk out before I did something stupid. So I'm back with my cardinals rasboras and adolfis, I do feel I'm missing something though. But, I think I'll wait till after Christmas to see what else is around. Feel free with any suggestions. I'm just looking for a fish that will do well on their own or a pair that will get on with everyone, tough I know

Since you have a school already, a single German blue ram would be nice. They are much cheaper than the electric blues, and just as nice in my opinion. Most will tell you that they are bottom dwellers. For the most part, they are. But with schooling fish in the tank, they tend to roam around the tank much more. My guy is awesome.....he even schools with my black skirts sometimes. I think he's confused because he has vertical black stripes, they have vertical black stripes......hahaha. Gbr's are also pretty hardy, and don't bother others unless they are paired up and spawning. But with a single, you won't have that problem. My GBR is my favorite fish. I love the red eyes with the black stripe running through them! Check him out:

Nice, I like the idea of this :) ill do some research and see what's around and hopefully post pics soon

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