Flat Worms

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Pony of the Sea

Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 3, 2011
Bronx, NY
So i recently realized i had a growing infestation of flatworms in my 20g reef tank. I was advised by members on this site to get a product that would irradicate them if dosed correctly.

I went into my lfs and the guy told me i could get the medication, or pick up certain types of fish that naturally feed on flat worms.

Needless to say, i took the latter route. I go myself a nice six line wrasse after doing some research online. My lfs said that i should notice a decline in flat worms in about two weeks or so.

Has anyone else had a flatworm problem and cured it naturally, with fish as opposed to medications?

any input would be greatly appreciated,

What color worms? if they are white/clear, they will disappear on their own. The brown/red ones will stay a little longer. A fish eating them is hit or miss. The flatworm exit is a sure thing, used correctly.
I've had flatworms. They took over my tank. Flatworm die off is toxic if u have lots of worms and use the chemical. They tell u to vacuum out as many worms as u can before using exit. I am too lazy to do that so I bought a Blue Velvet Nudibranch which only eat Flatworms. This wasn't cheap after the shipping cost. But he cleaned the tank in about 21/2 weeks. I sold him to my LFS after that. I was afraid he would starve. I still needed to use Flatworm Exit because the worms were in the filtration where the Nudibranch couldn't get at them. But he cleaned them up so well, I had no problems from the die off when I dosed my tank
I used the flatworm exit in my 20g tank FOUR times and followed directions to the tee and they are all gone now. i also had thousands of them, not just a few here or there. I had no issues with corals or fish while using the medication.
I needed to do the same. And I even dosed about 11/2 the recommended. Also didn't do any immediate water changes. The only thing it affected other than Flatworms was my Brittle Star population which was a little out of control anyway!
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