Fluval 404 vs. Magnum 350

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Aug 12, 2004
I'd love to hear preferences/stories. If you like another canister better, tell me about it, too. I'm in the market :).

If your going for quality I would go with the fulval..
If your going for the most bang for your buck go for a Jebo/Odyssea
I have the Fluval 404 and it has exceeded all of my expectations. here's some pics:

"Resting in the homebase"

The "initial" start up

Running on full power

Thanks for the replies. Sorry -- I've been out of town. I'll keep you posted on what I end up getting.

I had a magnum and a fluval side by side about 4 years ago. The fluval was much easier to deal with, IMO.
ahem...*cough* filstar XP *cough*

Maintenence is a breeze with the quick disconnect and it's currently on sale at drsfostersmith.com, the xp3 is about the same price as the magnum 350 ($86.19) and $40 cheaper than the fluval 404.

I had a Magnum for about an hour. I took it out of the box, looked it over, and returned it.
Is the Filstar significantly better than, say, the Jebo Odyssea? Sorry, I'm just new to this whole scene... I've always had HOB filters, so I'm trying to get a grasp in this stuff.
your not going to find a filter that does the same job as the Jebo/Odyssea in the same price range.. you will have to pay 100% more for a canister that will do the same job..
Filtration capacity (larger then almost all canister filters besides the filter its a knockoff of and it is closer to $200)
louder then the filstar and the fluval (albeit just a motor humm)

If you can handle a motor humm the Jebo has the filter baskets and you can always spring for quick relise valves ($10-12) and it would be just as easy to work with as a fluval or filstar.. and it can hold more media then both filters.. It seems to be modeled after the eihem pro2 its rather huge..
I had the Magnum 350 for 8 yrs. I just bought the XP3. I put the XP in service and put the 350 away. It is much better in every way than the 350 IMHO. So easy to handle and clean.
The 350 is not particularly a good filter to compare any filter to.. the design is arcahic! and is more than likely a worse choice then the jebo! Im quite certain that marineland wanted to cook up something better but they went full force for a bio-wheel wet/dry sump filter instead of marketing a new design in canisters, the marineland bio-wheel wet/dry looks like a fine setup but the canister needs help if they want to sell them up against the current competetion...
for comparison purposes I would use the filstar and the fluval against the jebo/odyssea.. in noise production the jebo will louse hands down.. but in media capasity and price its a winner..
What about Eheim...???

I got a 2215 with my 75 gallon tank back in the spring and so far, I love the setup. Granted, prior to this unit, I had only dealt with HOB filters and canisters are a world apart.

The reason I ask is because I'm beginning my aquarium expansion at home. Phase one is to get a 65 Gallon for the master bedroom and I'm going to use my 75 Gallon tank to condition another canister filter for the future tank. My Eheim has served me well so far but if there's something better out there, I'm listening...
Re: What about Eheim...???

Ariamus said:
I got a 2215 with my 75 gallon tank back in the spring and so far, I love the setup. Granted, prior to this unit, I had only dealt with HOB filters and canisters are a world apart.

The reason I ask is because I'm beginning my aquarium expansion at home. Phase one is to get a 65 Gallon for the master bedroom and I'm going to use my 75 Gallon tank to condition another canister filter for the future tank. My Eheim has served me well so far but if there's something better out there, I'm listening...

There really isnt anything out there thats better then a eheim.. The closest thing to a eheim in my book is a fluval and they are very close to me.. The eheim is not worth the added cost in my opinion.. the eheim is first but the fluval is so close to first that I wouldnt pay more than $3 more for it..
By the way Ive worked with both eheim and fulval canister filters..

Is there any filstar owner that has worked with fulval and eheim canisters to give a objective comparison?
I have not used either, but the Filstar is so quiet, easy to put media in baskets that snap together, easy to clean, a single shut off like the others and no water leaks and starts up easy. I would not pay a cent more for any other filter as this one works so good. No doubt Eheim is top of the line, but so is the price and it just cannot be that much better than a Filstar. The thing that will prove the difference (IMHO) will be how long the Filstar will last, as the track record of the Eheim is reported to be very good as to time in service and still going.
caudelfin said:
I have not used either, but the Filstar is so quiet, easy to put media in baskets that snap together, easy to clean, a single shut off like the others and no water leaks and starts up easy. I would not pay a cent more for any other filter as this one works so good. No doubt Eheim is top of the line, but so is the price and it just cannot be that much better than a Filstar. The thing that will prove the difference (IMHO) will be how long the Filstar will last, as the track record of the Eheim is reported to be very good as to time in service and still going.

I know that the filstar is a good filter and very quiet.. But I wouldnt know the difference unless I had them running side by side with the fluval and the eheim. the eheim is completely silent, absolutely no noise what soever not even a tiny hum.. the fluval is very close to this level of silence but not quite. I would assume that the filstar sounds like its working.. the eheim sounds like its unplugged! LOL! depending on the model you working with they are all equal in usability..
Honestly I couldnt care less about that, the filter could be in 100 pieces I wouldnt mind putting it together and for how easy it is to clean.. well you can keep any canister from really getting dirty in the first place if you put a sponge prefilter on the intake tube and fill it with nothing but bio-media.
The length of service is an issue.. but I dont really know about that.. I have been able to fix everything that has ever gone wrong with my filters.. I have never thrown one away.. Ive sold or given them away..
So for me, selection of a canister filter really is a noise issue..
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