Fluval Edge Journal

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 21, 2013
Well, here I am. I've taken a look at my Fluval Edge 6 gallon with it's fake plants and cheesy decorations. I decided it's time to upgrade. Everything. I installed the 42 LED light fixture that's made for the 12 gallon version. I'm starting to take out some junk... and I'm thinking to myself. Why not document this? On aquarium Advice. So thats what I'm doing. I decided that I'm starting a journal on my Fluval edge. From taking everything out, to building the new stand, to planting and aquascaping the rest. So, I hope all goes well!:fish1:
Taking it slow

So i'm really taking my time with this tank. Last night I bought some Caribsea Floramax (about 12 lbs). And I got...well I'll just say an interesting piece of driftwood. It was from amazon and I know I can at least some sort of a decent scape with it. I won an ebay item a few weeks ago on a 48-64 leaf anubias plant that I will attach to the driftwood. Last night I finished draining the tank and removing every grain of sand from it. The sand was some nasty old pool sand that I never really liked. I then put a good 7-8 lbs of substrate and I made a slope to the rear right of the tank where I placed the driftwood. I'll be able to get a photo of the hardscape tomorrow because I'm not home right now.
So I also wanted to know if people are actually interested in the tank building process and if I should keep the journal up. Some support would be appreciated. Well, thats all the time I have for the update on the fluvial edge today.
Great! Now that I know people are interested I'll continue with the journal. 2 days ago I completed the hard scape and this is what it looks likeImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1388343883.182344.jpg
Yesterday I was surprised and my anubias plants came early so I planted them
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I expect the plants to grow fast because I'm dosing liquid co2 and seachem flourish. The substrate is Caribsea flora max.
There is an auction today on eBay for two Flame Moss pads for around $10 so I might snag that and plant it in the front ish
I upgraded the lighting as I said before to the 42 led system. Here's a photoImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1388344865.591262.jpg
If any of you have suggestions as to what I might be able to plant in this back corner, ideas are welcome. I was thinking of java fern but it just doesn't... It's just not the look I'm looking for
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It has to be a tall ish plant
Off to a good start.

You may want to read up on anubias in the aquarium. Planting of the rhizome is usually to be avoided. I think you may also want to think about the tank down the road a little. Think of what it might look like when grown in with regards to amount of space, plant color, leaf morphology, etc... Try to select different anubias species to increase the visual appeal.

Personally I think you have too many anubias currently for that tank long term. The appear to be all the same species so won't offer a lot of visual contrast. Small tanks are tricky to scape but can be done for sure.
ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1388857955.324841.jpg Oh god...what is this nasty stuff growing in my plants!!
So I did a water change and I put ALL of the anubias on the driftwood which was aggravating but it's done. Rhizomes aren't buried anymore. ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1388874932.053858.jpg ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1388877713.896802.jpg
I think you are on the right track. Now to figure out the rest of the scape. I am not a fan of the white rocks but once more plants added you might change my take on that.

Any ideas on what you want to add. Needle leaf java fern would be one that you could add that would add a different leaf morphology and not demanding. Some crypt parva and petite nana would also be nice additions. M. quadrifolia would also slowly fill in. (A piece of black construction paper would also make stuff pop).

I really didn't think the scape was interesting at all. It was boring and the water turned dark yellow from the tannins released by the driftwood. It's boiling now and I drained the tank but left the substrate in. I decided that I am going for a very very deep slope a the beck to make it interesting and unlike what people may have seen. I think I'm just going to get rid of the white rocks cause they don't really look good but I can't wait to see how it turns out.:popcorn:

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