Foods for Black Convict Fry???

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Apr 13, 2020
Ok, so April 26th, my wife and I noticed our female Black Convict Cichlid doing what looked to us like laying eggs. Every so often our male would go back to where we thought she was laying her eggs and do some Peculiar maneuvers, even turning completely upside down to face his stomach toward the bottom side of the rock. So we figured he was fertilizing the eggs every so often. On April 30 we noticed that she wasn’t hanging around the rock where we thought she was laying eggs and instead hanging out in a hollowed out tree stump. So we just figured we were wrong about her laying eggs. Well just a few moments ago I was working in my shrimp tank which is right next to our tank with or black convict cichlids And as I was working I kind of glanced over at the Cichlid tank and noticed in the front opening of the hollowed out stump there were about 30 or 40 baby convict fry swimming around inside the hollowed our stump. What are some foods we can feed our convict fry? They are so tiny! We have some new life spectrum fry food but there aren’t any instructions on how to feed it to the fry.(Instructions are possibly obscured buy a sticker On the container) Any information on what we can feed our fry will be greatly appreciated.
Hatch some baby brine shrimp. I've raised many fish species and except for the tiniest of fry (like bettas and gouramis) baby brine shrimp are excellent food.
I wouldn’t even begin to know where to start hatching baby brines... is it time consuming? Pretty easy to master? My convict fry are no bigger than 3 mm in length.. they’re so tiny! My wife and I figured a way to get the New Life Spectrum fry powder to them by mixing it with a little tank water in a syringe and gently pushing it out of the syringe and kind of letting it fall out onto the bottom... we read online to crush up regular flake food extremely fine and giving that to them but they just seem too small... but we will definitely Consider hatching some baby Brine shrimp If it’s pretty Easy to do and easy to come by in order to do it. Thanks for the suggestion
Thanks, after a lot of research and watching videos on how to do it, I decided baby brine shrimp is the best option. I ordered a 16 oz container of eggs and a hatchery, already got brand new air pump on hand and air tubing to run hatchery. Thinking about even setting up a 7.5 gallon salt tank to raise brine shrimp to adulthood to feed all my other fish a live treat and good source of protein.
Thanks again and I will certainly post updates on how it goes with raising some brine shrimp to maturity for my other, bigger fish... my wife and I are excited and ready to get the hatchery and brine shrimp tank going!

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