For those who observe daylight savings...

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 14, 2003
Bristol, Pa
2 am tonight (which is techinically Sunday, 4/4), the clocks get turned ahead one hour....we lose an hour of sleep, BUT it stays lighter longer....whoo-hoo!!

Just a friendly reminder! :lol:
Moved to the Site News forum.

In addition, you need to go into your profile and set your time preferences up an hour. The software this site uses does not compensate for Daylight savings time.
The only bummer for me with daylight savings is that I get up at 5 to do my 3.5 miles - (hubby and daughter do theirs at 6) and it was just starting to be a little light at that hour, which helps. Now I will be back in the pitch black darkness. :(

The good thing is that it stays lighter and the kids can play longer, which is good for tired mama.
you need to go into your profile and set your time preferences up an hour.

And since alot of folks think we HIDE the link to your profile...

Click on the link at the top that says "Home page" then on the right below the "Welcome, (username)" you will see a few account specific links. One of them is "Update your profile".
I don't think you hide it. lol

What should the correct setting be in my profile as I am not sure i had previuosly picked the right one?

Right now I am at GMT +5
What time zone are you in?


EST (now after time change) GMT - 4
CST (now after time change) GMT - 5
MST (now after time change) GMT - 6
PST (now after time change) GMT - 7
I use to think you hid the profile... I was rarely on the homepage and would get frustrated trying to find that... I guess I'm use to reptile advice where profile is at the top of the page with the other links all the time... those of us who observe, sounds like we have a choice... Time means very little to me anyway... I didn't lose any sleep... I didn't change the clocks til this morning... we go forward, we go back, forward, back, forward, back.... why don't we just pick a time right in the middle and leave it alone... :lol:
Well acutally there are a few areas of the country where day light savings time is not observed.

If you want an explanation for the time change I belive and I may be wrong. As this is just a story I heard.

In the old times when farming was most prevlent form of occupation and the kids on the farm went off to school it would get dark so early 6pm-7pm and inorder to make the most of the day light and the longer light it was decided to move forward the clocks 1 hour at the start of spring so that when the kids got home form school there would be more day light hours for them to work on the faimly farms. The logic with moving the time back 1 hour at the start of winter is so as it not getting dark at late afternoon.

Again this is jsut a story I heard and could be way off basel.
That is true. Nowadays it is still useful because it saves a ton in energy usage, as people have more daylight and don't have to have lights on all of the time.

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