FresH2O's 20g planted rescape

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Looks great as always.

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Thanks Mike! I went way too long before trimming. I wanted to see what the glosso would do if I let it go.
Was wondering what the substrate was? Sorry if already asked.
I think we are 2,300+ posts into this thread...don't apologize for asking. EcoComplete, black, regular grain. Really wanted the fine grain but it was no longer available. This has been a pretty good substrate so far. Real curious on how things might have turned out if I went with ADA or Brightwell Aquatics. But at the time (2012) the EC was on sale for $9 per bag (20 lbs) so I could not pass up the deal.
Yes, happy to see the substrate again.
Been at least since an update...I removed a bunch of Glosso from the tank:

It really needed it. Can't decide if I should let the Glosso naturally fill in the open area or plant individual stems for a more even carpet.
So excited to see the Staur repens again

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Looking good! The Stars are nice but that Glosso was so thick and lush...
I finally got around to using a TDS meter and found the following:
Tap: 174 ppm
Distilled: 0
Shrimp Tank: 192
Planted Tank: 280
I cannot recall if the planted tank reading was right after a water change. After waiting a week, I test the planted tank and get 306. After a larger than normal water change (~60-70%) I get a reading of 210.
Is this too much of a drop at one time?
I will be monitoring the TDS throughout the week as I expect it to climb due to the addition of daily PPS-Pro ferts. I also changed the floss in the AC50 and rinsed the biomedia. I am trying to reduce the amount of waste in the tank while also maintaining a healthy plant population. A reduction in the occurrence of BBA will be a positive side effect of this effort.
Fins crossed.

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Why yes it is. I squirt it with glut when I see it. I do find the occasional clump on the substrate.

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I have the same issue in the 54. Gotta crank my Co2 up I think and do more dosing. I would say it was tannin from wood but my wood has been in the tank for 6 years.
Decided to trim and replant tonight. Still a bit cloudy:

Replanted only the tips of the AR mini

Moved the Downoi to the center of the tank:

Staur repens carpet could still use some thinning out:

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Looks nice Fresh. The AR mini look really healthy. How are you finding the downoi?

Any thoughts of breaking up the green on the right and side?

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I kept the "middles" and "bottoms" of the AR mini and they are floating in my holding tank. They will sprout new growth; just not sure what to do with them. I decided to plant the tips only so that there is a healthy red coloration throughout (versus the lower, greenish, often algae covered older leaves at the base of the plants).
The Downoi definitely growth larger and more robust with more light/less shade. I've moved them to the center for that reason. I want to build them up to their former selves.
Right now the Staur repens owns the right side of the tank. There is some Glosso in the front and I may try to limit it to just that area. It can be invasive. There is some Rotala macrandra growing along to back but it was cut back heavily. It will break up the color a bit.

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Very nice!!! Jus got a scapers tank 10gl rimless with some dragons rocks?

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I kept the "middles" and "bottoms" of the AR mini and they are floating in my holding tank. They will sprout new growth; just not sure what to do with them. I decided to plant the tips only so that there is a healthy red coloration throughout (versus the lower, greenish, often algae covered older leaves at the base of the plants).
The Downoi definitely growth larger and more robust with more light/less shade. I've moved them to the center for that reason. I want to build them up to their former selves.
Right now the Staur repens owns the right side of the tank. There is some Glosso in the front and I may try to limit it to just that area. It can be invasive. There is some Rotala macrandra growing along to back but it was cut back heavily. It will break up the color a bit.

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I prefer planting the tips and discarding the bottoms too but this becomes a problem with dirt. The bottoms are always anchored in and creates way too much disruption pulling them up.

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Very nice!!! Jus got a scapers tank 10gl rimless with some dragons rocks?

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Is this a new tank? Wow! What plans do you have for it?

I prefer planting the tips and discarding the bottoms too but this becomes a problem with dirt. The bottoms are always anchored in and creates way too much disruption pulling them up.

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I could imagine so. When I pull a lot of plants, the water looks like mixing tea and chocolate milk. That's just the EcoComplete (plus waste, etc). Looks at Ziggys tank for an example (during his rescape this weekend). Frequent reacaping is one reason I've resisted the urge to a dirted tank.

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Is this a new tank? Wow! What plans do you have for it?

I could imagine so. When I pull a lot of plants, the water looks like mixing tea and chocolate milk. That's just the EcoComplete (plus waste, etc). Looks at Ziggys tank for an example (during his rescape this weekend). Frequent reacaping is one reason I've resisted the urge to a dirted tank.

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I mean if you are careful you only get the small puffs of dirt. It's not really like chocolate milk. It's just that there always seems to be repercussions with bacterial blooms the next day. I can only imagine that pulling up a lot of plants disturbs a lot of substrate bacteria ☹️

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Is this a new tank? Wow! What plans do you have for it?

I could imagine so. When I pull a lot of plants, the water looks like mixing tea and chocolate milk. That's just the EcoComplete (plus waste, etc). Looks at Ziggys tank for an example (during his rescape this weekend). Frequent reacaping is one reason I've resisted the urge to a dirted tank.

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Yea fresh20 jus got it yesterday scapertank gona do iwugami tank or try to lol

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I mean if you are careful you only get the small puffs of dirt. It's not really like chocolate milk. It's just that there always seems to be repercussions with bacterial blooms the next day. I can only imagine that pulling up a lot of plants disturbs a lot of substrate bacteria ☹️

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The EcoComplete has been in place since late 2012 so there is lots of cloud forming material present. Also, depends on the plants being pulled; rather, depends on the extent of root formation of the plant. Crypts are by far the worst in terms of uprooting and associated mess that follows.
Update: the BBA on the DW has turned pinkish whitish and it should be gone in the next few days.
Still thinking about getting an atomizer. I just moved the ceramic diffuser from open water (the HOB current was pushing it about the tank) to just under the HOB filter intake the other day. Was tired of seeing the fine bubbles in the water. I checked the drop checker and it is showing the same lime green with a hint of yellow. I will keep monitoring this. Perhaps CO2 diffusion is just as effective while being drawn into the filter?

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Inline atomizer are sweet had one on my 40gl an was on 1 bubble every 2 secs. With plants still pearling an i did jis cant find my thread think wro mg catergory

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Just trying something out. Below are two of the same images: first one is medium and the second is large. Obviously the second one will have more detail and appear clearer. I view 99% of this forum on my phone (small screen) and I am trying to figure what makes an acceptable image and what's too low or too high (file size). I will check it out later on a large screen/PC. I apologize for the slow load. Don't want to kill your data plan or patience.


The images are a comparison in growth of AR mini 12 days after trimming/planting.

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