FresH2O's 20g planted rescape

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Wow - the stones came up well. Always had thought BBA struggled a bit on pale rocks but not the case (although now I remember growing it on fake quite rocks well).
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Fresh - you do the boldest and scariest things with your tanks!!! The stone is not the same one!!! hahaha- kidding aside, that is unbelieveable.

Never know what's gonna happen!
Thanks for the replies. Half the time I ignore the tank and the other half I want to rip everything out and try something different.
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Why do I find these so appealing?
Perhaps it is the simplicity or the artistic touch. That's something I feel I lack in and want to get better at. I know a few folks that placed well at the IAPLC (International Aquatic Plant Layout Contest) this year and it would cool to be involved in something like that one day. At that level, growing plants is a given; creativity, lighting, placement, texture, and perspective are what sets them apart.
Thanks for the replies. Half the time I ignore the tank and the other half I want to rip everything out and try something different.
More cleaning:

Why do I find these so appealing?
Perhaps it is the simplicity or the artistic touch. That's something I feel I lack in and want to get better at. I know a few folks that placed well at the IAPLC (International Aquatic Plant Layout Contest) this year and it would cool to be involved in something like that one day. At that level, growing plants is a given; creativity, lighting, placement, texture, and perspective are what sets them apart.

100% with u on that fresh lol I already want to tear down the Ada and rescape after seeing all those amazing tanks lol [emoji23]
I have a box of Seiryu Stone and a huge amount of DHG (substrate and a tank) just itching to get into a new tank [for months now], welcome to the club of imagining the possibilities.

For the most part I always start to feel guilty that the fish won't have any plants to use for a comfort / protection zone. Plus for shrimp I was actually thinking for a shrimp only tank to do one. Probably with a little (maybe corner) island of plants for the shrimp to graze on.

The simplicity of the appearance of it.

Not that getting the tank to look great (and stay that way) is always that easy. hahaha
100% with u on that fresh lol I already want to tear down the Ada and rescape after seeing all those amazing tanks lol [emoji23]

I don't know if it's restlessness or boredom kicking in. I think this is normal in that your goals and tastes change over time; the evolution of your tank usually reflects this.
I try to MAKE myself let things settle and be let alone for a year. I got impatient with my Nursery tank and lost all of my shrimp when I made changes. So I really have learned a lesson to honor that goal. But the urge to play now has me at 6 tanks lol. While I love the wood and hardscape I would never part with my plants or snails.

What's your favorite thing about your tanks Fresh2o? The thing you could never part with?

Take that and then add something new to try?
A year? I think my tank goes through some type of change every 3-4 months. This is my tank 4 months ago (HC Cuba carpet) and below that 7 months ago (transition from the jungle look):

Favorite thing about my tanks? Now that's a good question. I will have to sleep on that one [emoji42]
Beautiful tank. I admire the skills and artistic abilities of a truly gifted aquatic gardener.
Beautiful tank. I admire the skills and artistic abilities of a truly gifted aquatic gardener.

Thanks! Almost everything I learned plant/scape-wise was from following threads on AA. Lots of hidden talent here.

Hey Fresh, is this tank still using 100% EC?

Yep. It that holding me back? Your thoughts on Brightwell Aquatics Florin Volcanit?

I have a box of Seiryu Stone and a huge amount of DHG (substrate and a tank) just itching to get into a new tank [for months now], welcome to the club of imagining the possibilities.

For the most part I always start to feel guilty that the fish won't have any plants to use for a comfort / protection zone. Plus for shrimp I was actually thinking for a shrimp only tank to do one. Probably with a little (maybe corner) island of plants for the shrimp to graze on.

The simplicity of the appearance of it.

Not that getting the tank to look great (and stay that way) is always that easy. hahaha

I lost that guilt long ago. They and their predecessors had quite a bit of time with jungle. Many hid when given a lot of cover.
Do you still have any Amanos running around in this tank? I can remember seeing them on this thread countless times and telling myself that I need to snatch a few, but I've never pulled the trigger. I think my Apistos would make a snack of them though--maybe.
Yep. It that holding me back? Your thoughts on Brightwell Aquatics Florin Volcanit?

From personal experience, I'm not sure.. I still have a bag of it untouched in my garage. It does look just like aquasoil tho, which I absolutely love. From what I read on the Brightwell Aquatics Florin Volcanit substrate is promising, but being in hiatus for so long, my research is dated.. I haven't read any recent reviews to know about it's longevity. When I have some free time, however, you have sparked my interest. If you're willing to go that route, I find that type of substrate to perform very well with high tech carpeting plants in comparison to EC. I also think highly of brightwell as a company, so I'd imagine they'd do their homework to put out a premium quality substrate (unless it's just re-branded AS for less cost?).
Enjoy the view before I rip out all of the plants in my tank.
Layout wise, not really much of a change. Hardscape will stay where they are. Just removing the staur repens carpet and mass of AR/AR mini, trimming, and replanting. Plants are getting too thick. I want to run the red in front of the stones on the right side. Going to keep the downoi where they are in the front right corner. However, the Ammania bonsai in the right rear corner might go.
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