FresH2O's 20g planted rescape

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Love love love the tank.
See now I have to come up with a stock list for my cool planted tank (yet to exist) that's not copying you ;)
Thanks! Come up with a list. Get what you want. Gertrude rainbows are spectacular.
When it comes to plants, I think a lot of us have the same plants.
Prepared a batch of Repashy gel food (Meat Pie flavor). Poured it out on a plate, set it outside to chill and set, cut it into tiny squares with a pizza cutter, bagged and into the freezer. Dropped some off in the planted tank and into the shrimp tank. Shrimp and snails love it. My fish...meh. The Otos loved it though. I may go get some frozen food.
I'm enjoying this tank too.

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Your furcatas are BOSS dude!

Getcha sleeves wet fish tank people!

A month ago I did not know these existed. Went to the LFS looking for embers and CPDs. Saw these but did not get them. Started researching then and put my name on a call list...
Actually, I find several species of Pseudomugil attractive. They are colorful, active, and can have spectacular fin shapes. If I ever wanted to try breeding anything, then these would be high on the list.
Turned off the tv and I'm just staring at the tank.

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A month ago I did not know these existed. Went to the LFS looking for embers and CPDs. Saw these but did not get them. Started researching then and put my name on a call list...
Actually, I find several species of Pseudomugil attractive. They are colorful, active, and can have spectacular fin shapes. If I ever wanted to try breeding anything, then these would be high on the list.
Turned off the tv and I'm just staring at the tank.

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Now you've got me interested!
And isn't zoning out while watching fish relaxing?

? Diana Lee ?
? the St. Augustine Redhead ?
Now you've got me interested!
And isn't zoning out while watching fish relaxing?

? Diana Lee ?
? the St. Augustine Redhead ?

It is relaxing. Especially when you don't have to do anything. It is supposed to reduce blood pressure.
Ever since I reduced the lighting a month or so ago, there has been less algae. Some GSA on the front wall (left it there for the Otos) but I am not scrubbing it every 3 days. Plant growth may have slowed down a bit but they are healthy. Which is fine with me.

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Okay, I'm rethinking my stocking...
"What? You just put them in the tank 3 days ago. What's wrong with you?"
Let me explain. The embers and CPDs were part of the plan all along. The furcatas were an unexpected bonus find. I love all of them. It's just that the furcatas dictate the dynamics of the tank. They are small but not exactly nano fish. The are VERY active. And pushy at times. I've watched them chase the embers and CPDs out of their "turf". I can see why they need space. The embers can be active at feeding time, however, they are not boisterous. I'm concerned about the CPDs. They are low key compared to the other fish. They can be out competed for food. I'm just wondering if they would be more suited for my shrimp tank. Less light, less flow, lots of moss, no active tank mates. Just wondering if they will put a dent in the RCS colony.
Any thoughts on this?
Here are pics of the Planted Tank and the Shrimp tank for comparison.


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Could you try using a subbing pellet for the CPDs? May show them to eat at the bottom while the other fish are in the middle

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I have RCS with my guppies now. Once the guppies cycle out (might be forever since someone dropped what seems like a billion fry and they are all doing well) I was planning on cpd. I can't say for adult size or personal experience but I do have chili rasboras on with my yellow Sakura and I still see babies. Also with the guppies they leave the mid and adult size alone. Once in a while I do see babies. I think cpd size wise are between a chili and a guppy so I would think the feeding rate of shrimplets would be in the middle of the other 2

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I get what you mean. I liked having rainbows (no experience with furcatas) but they were so active and really pushy when it came to food. I think the CPDs would love the other tank, no idea how they do with shrimp but I imagine with adults it shouldn't be an issue. Your tanks, your call, but it makes sense to me. You could just let it ride and see how they do and then decide, it's not like the other tank is going anywhere. Keep us posted!
Edit: the ammania is totally nicer in your tank!! This is the first I've seen it and I really like it, beautiful
I'm going to give it some time. Not like the CPDs are getting bullied or starving. They swim freely in the tank, they are not hiding or behaving submissively. I actually saw one charge a furcata. Sometimes a pair of them will do this dance where they swim next to each other in a circle while doing shaking action. Completely oblivious to anything around them. Is this rival male behavior?
Then again, it would be cool if they spawned in the shrimp tank.
Edit: The Ammania was moved from the planted tank because I ran out of room. It is barely hanging on in the shrimp tank. I did move a couple of stems back into the planted tank. Ehhh...if you want to see some nice specimens, check out Brookster's tank.

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Oh I know his look spectacular. The duckweed was shading mine out pretty bad I got a couple of brown leaves that gave up.
Yeah! I got the paper towel i was asking for. Pitbully delivered! And he was kind enough to throw in some plants as well. Rotala macrandra.
Here they are. It was a long day and I did not plant them until 2 AM. I'll have an update in a few days when the get adjusted. This will be my fourth red plant. Schweng.


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They sure are pretty!!! I love that they are purpley!!! My favorite color. I found some Azolla leaves that turn close to that color as floating plants but I haven't seen anybody do it yet. I want a red floating plant BAD.

It's looking awesome, Fresh!! Love the papertowel ;)
I'm glad you received them in decent shape. Hopefully they will do better in your tank than in mine. I really like how the paper towel's colors go with the plants...a great sight.

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I'm glad you received them in decent shape. Hopefully they will do better in your tank than in mine. I really like how the paper towel's colors go with the plants...a great sight.

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I'm gonna baby these. Fingers crossed they flourish. If they are halfway like what I see in Google images then I would be a happy camper.

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Sup Fresh,it's understood that you dose your tank using pps pro&I'm wondering what ml you are dosing per gallon along with your dry ferts regiment...having some minor issues..

Getcha sleeves wet fish tank people!
Sup Fresh,it's understood that you dose your tank using pps pro&I'm wondering what ml you are dosing per gallon along with your dry ferts regiment...having some minor issues..

Getcha sleeves wet fish tank people!

I'm doing the standard 1 ml per 10 gallons dosage. I do use a third bottle for the nitrates. I have not tested nitrate and phosphate in a while but I believe I was adding nitrate 3x a week.
Pressurized CO2. Glut daily (trying to at least).
What issues are you having? And with what kind of plants?

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Having some melt on the ar,the staurogyne repens completely melted away...I'm dosing 3 ml for micros/macros(w/a slight bump in iron in the macro bottle)&haven't been dosing any nitrates...

Getcha sleeves wet fish tank people!
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