FresH2O's 20g planted rescape

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Stainless steel mesh review
The mesh/screen is much heavier than I expected. It can be bent into shape as needed and appears to retain its shape. Even with the heavy shears it took some force to cut it. The 12"x12" sheet was cut into nine (9) 4"x4" squares.

The cut edges were not sharp to the touch. There was no smell of chemical or residue on it and it did not feel sticky or slick. Regardless, I threw them into a pot of water and boiled it briefly anyway.
Attached moss to it using very lightweight fishing line. Had to go over it a few times because of a stray frond here and there. It is intentionally spread thin because fissidens moss grows in a mound pattern.
Into the holding tank and a couple in the planted tank

In the holding tank it will get PPS pro ferts but no CO2. I was thinking about using glut but I also plan on moving my shrimp into this tank while I overhaul the shrimp tank. Ugh. I could always setup DIY CO2 (either yeast or citric acid).
I think I paid around $12 for this. For nine 4"x4" squares, this sounds like a good deal. I only used 6 of the 9 squares. And now the waiting begins.

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Can't wait to see how they grow in the holding tank. It's crazy how you started with a lil fissidens to have a bunch of 4x4 squares.

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Can't wait to see how they grow in the holding tank. It's crazy how you started with a lil fissidens to have a bunch of 4x4 squares.

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Seriously, it was a few stray stow away strands tangled in some blyxa. And this is maybe half of it. Apparently I have been shipping portions of this out to folks in AA as extras/freebies.
So, it may be a while until they grow in. That's fine because it will give me time to figure out what I want to do with the shrimp tank (I have a shrimp tank thread but have not updated it in a while). I know I want to remove all of the crypts and the EcoComplete. Maybe a very thin layer of black sand, some DW, and the squares of moss? In the current setup, feeding time is the only time I see the shrimps. Since there are no predators in the tank, the jungle look is not needed.

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Day is not getting better. Went to sleep at 1am, alarm set at 5:30am (par for me) and get a text at 3am: "Please join the call already in progress about system X being slow...". Ugh. 1.5 hrs later get back to bed. Back at work now but taking a break for AA and my Imgur fix.
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Sounds like you're in IT as me and must be oncall week ;) , you know the week you dread every month as you know you wont get much sleep. Once Sunday comes have a beer, or a whisky and unwind :)

"Systems oncall where sleep and life goes to die"
Sounds like you're in IT as me and must be oncall week ;) , you know the week you dread every month as you know you wont get much sleep. Once Sunday comes have a beer, or a whisky and unwind :)

"Systems oncall where sleep and life goes to die"

Yep. I don't have an official on call week. Pretty much 24/7 but for the most part insulated by the ops team and support team. And when they can't figure it out it comes to me. So I'll take my beverages when I can.
The worst was a 16 hour conference call a few years back. The unplanned jump from physical to vm can be brutal.

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Remember this tank?
This is what happens when I turn my back on it for two weeks. Been spending some time on the other tank. Took this pic a few minutes ago. Due for a trim and some. I plan to trim and replant the tops and discard the bottoms.

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Remember this tank?
This is what happens when I turn my back on it for two weeks. Been spending some time on the other tank. Took this pic a few minutes ago. Due for a trim and some. I plan to trim and replant the tops and discard the bottoms.

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The contrast in color is great!

sit in silence...
The contrast in color is great!

sit in silence...

+1 you may not be rhe best at hardscape, but plant choice and placement is top notch!

You need a 29 gallon so it doesn't look as overgrown in the same time frame ;)

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I actually like overgrown tanks, but that may be just me.


Money Can't Buy Happiness, But It Can Buy Fish Which Is Pretty Much The Same Thing
The contrast in color is great!
sit in silence...
Thanks! Trying to keep with the green-red-green pattern.
+1 you may not be rhe best at hardscape, but plant choice and placement is top notch!
You need a 29 gallon so it doesn't look as overgrown in the same time frame ;)
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Aquarium Advice mobile app
I know. Actually a 40B would increase the footprint and raise the ceiling 4". But I'm going to stick with this tank. BTW - There is a person in my local fish club selling a 40B for $30.
I actually like overgrown tanks, but that may be just me.
Money Can't Buy Happiness, But It Can Buy Fish Which Is Pretty Much The Same Thing
I have decreased the lighting by removing the pair of 26W CFLs. Growth is maybe a bit slower. I have noticed less pearling.
Overgrown is fine until it starts to shade lower plants to the point that they start to die off.

I will be swinging the machete in the morning. Instead of trimming and selling off the tops, I am going to remove the "bottoms", keep the tops and replant those. I might chuck the bottoms. I hate throwing plants out; these have the potential to sprout many new stems. Going to do this with the Rotala macrandra, Rotala colorata, Pogostemon erectus, Ludwigia species 'red', Bacopa caroliniana, Alternanthera reineckii 'mini, Staurogynes repens, and Limnophilia aromatica (maybe). Basically, most of the plants in my tank. I will try to hold them for a bit in case anyone wants them.

Tonight I dropped in half of a large algae wafer. Gathered around it are 3 otos and an Amano shrimp. The CPDs and Embers are hovering nearby picking off the scraps that float away from the ruckus.
Looking amazing as usual, Fresh! I'm impressed that your Amano doesn't just steal the entire wafer and run away with it. That's what mine do. I have to break it into a few small pieces so they can each take one and then leave enough for the plecos.

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Looking amazing as usual, Fresh! I'm impressed that your Amano doesn't just steal the entire wafer and run away with it. That's what mine do. I have to break it into a few small pieces so they can each take one and then leave enough for the plecos.

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Gracias, senor RDBMS! Hope all is well with you.
Actually, a few days ago one of the Amanos did run off with a wafer and retreated into the jungle. This time the otos were giving him/her the evil eye while the snails formed a shield around the wafer. The otos are trying to push the scrum around to get at the goodies. It's like Wild Kingdom in there.
You should try slices of blanched (microwaved) zucchini. A benthic treat!
I put cucumber in my two pleco tanks. I don't think the fish could get to it with all the snails on it. Managed not to have to pick them out individually at least, just chucked them in the trash.

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Sigh. I don't want you to throw out plants either!
I've been having an awful time with stems lately. All that's left of what I had is some straggler ludwigia and I almost killed of all of the bacopa too. Too much water flow and not enough attention. Stupid shallow substrate and bull in a china shop fish. However the blyxa has exploded.
Anyway if they're going in the garbage I'll happily throw money at you to probably murder them if it won't upset you. I should just get rid of the fish and hook up that diy co2...
You know, Fresh, that looks much like a Dutch scape that's made its way around the 'net overgrown as it is. Whether intentional or no, ?

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You know, Fresh, that looks much like a Dutch scape that's made its way around the 'net overgrown as it is. Whether intentional or no, ?

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Dutch was the intent, however, it requires maintenance to keep it looking good. Snip here. Snip there. Once or twice a week. Eventually the stems need to be pulled and tops replanted as the lower stems lose leaves and because algae magnets. Thanks for the kudos.

Sigh. I don't want you to throw out plants either!
I've been having an awful time with stems lately. All that's left of what I had is some straggler ludwigia and I almost killed of all of the bacopa too. Too much water flow and not enough attention. Stupid shallow substrate and bull in a china shop fish. However the blyxa has exploded.
Anyway if they're going in the garbage I'll happily throw money at you to probably murder them if it won't upset you. I should just get rid of the fish and hook up that diy co2...

Salad for the SDs? Nom nom ?
You've actually done well with some of the plants I've sent you. CO2 does help. Are you referring to my old CO2 rig? Set it up, change the batches every 1-2 weeks.
You've got quite a few tanks; perhaps you can make one a planted fry/grow out tank.

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