Hello everyone, have some questions I was wondering if the wise community here could help me with. Long story short, I tried to upgrade the office fish to a bigger tank (30 gallon to 50 gallon) and was unaware that moving them from the border line septic tank they lived in, to the new clean one, could harm them. They went from the old tank with No3 content of 200+, to the new one which was about 20. Started out with a good size pleco, bala shark, bronze cory, two tiger barbs and a clown loach. I am now down to the Pleco, cory and shark which also has popeye (I quarantined it when it first happened, then ended up moving them back to the old tank after the second died). So, I guess my questions would be the following.
1. Once I finish partial water changes on the tank they're in to lower the No3 levels, do you think the ones I have left would be robust enough to reintroduce to the new tank?
2. I've treated the new water (I have two boxes of "Tetra complete water care kit" and Tetra Aquasafe plus whichever you all think is better), hardware is set up, temperature matches, and once I test the water, am I missing anything?
3. How do you treat popeye in a Bala shark preferably in the same tank as other fish (One Eye bulged and completely covered in white, the other still functions and only effected a little)?
and 4. Are walmart fish worth buying? I've heard rumors that due to their living conditions and how they source them, they are pretty much guaranteed to die asap. My closest actual pet store is just under a half hour away one way, I don't know if they would survive the ride back.
Any help is appreciated, just trying to give these little ones a good home and I feel like a serial fish murderer
1. Once I finish partial water changes on the tank they're in to lower the No3 levels, do you think the ones I have left would be robust enough to reintroduce to the new tank?
2. I've treated the new water (I have two boxes of "Tetra complete water care kit" and Tetra Aquasafe plus whichever you all think is better), hardware is set up, temperature matches, and once I test the water, am I missing anything?
3. How do you treat popeye in a Bala shark preferably in the same tank as other fish (One Eye bulged and completely covered in white, the other still functions and only effected a little)?
and 4. Are walmart fish worth buying? I've heard rumors that due to their living conditions and how they source them, they are pretty much guaranteed to die asap. My closest actual pet store is just under a half hour away one way, I don't know if they would survive the ride back.
Any help is appreciated, just trying to give these little ones a good home and I feel like a serial fish murderer